Chapter 2

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Above is what Louis looks like in this story/chapter. Who gave him the right to look so good.

Thank you @notabsolutely for all of the comments and support!

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Louis POV

I groan as my alarm goes off at 6:30. I roll to the side and turn it off. I pull down the sheets and rub my eyes, glancing at the mirror to see my messed-up hair. I look back at the time and flop back down onto the bed, landing face first into the pillow and scream.

Soon enough, My mum is trudging up the steps to my room. She knocks repeatedly at my door, banging and yelling at me to get up. I grumble as I sit up form the warm covers of my bed. I run into the bathroom and grab a towel. I make sure that the water is a good temperature before stepping under the warm water. I do my hair and skin-care routine and walk slowly out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around my waist.

I open my closet and grab a pair of black skinny jeans, and a black band t-shirt. I grab my black vans and slide them on my feet. Then, I run down the stairs and through the living area to the kitchen. Once in there my mom is starting to get ready to leave for the day. Its 7 o'clock, so I have fifteen minutes to eat my breakfast before I should head to school.

I grab two pieces of bread and pop them in the toaster, getting out the peanut butter while waiting for it to be ready. I realize that I forgot my phone and run up to my room and grab it off my nightstand, pulling away the charging chord. I press the power button to see a bunch of notifications from my group chat with Zayn and Liam.

They are each blabbering about their classes and asked my for mine about ten times. I scroll through my gallery and send them a picture of my schedule, and I have most of my periods in the afternoon with both of them, and in the morning a few with Zayn and one with Liam.

When I run back downstairs, I grab the toast out of the toaster and spread the peanut butter over the bread. I bring the plate to the dining room table and quickly pull out the head seat. I sit down and scroll through Instagram as I eat. Just as I reach the door Daisy and Phoebe's babysitter opens it. I wave a quick hello before picking up my backpack.

I walk into my car and drive to school, parking in my regular spot. I have my backpack slung over my shoulder as I open the door to the school. I begin to walk down the hallway, but am attacked by Danielle and Eleanor before I even have walked five steps.

"How was your summer Louis?" Eleanor asks while grabbing onto my arm. Soon five girls are surrounding me asking questions. I roll my eyes at them.

That's the thing. I haven't come out to the school yet, and so everyone assumes that, as team captain of the football team, I'm straight. Its not like everyone here is homophobic, but I don't want to take my chances.

Soon the crowd of girls around me disappears until only Eleanor is clinging onto me. She is giggling obnoxiously while batting her eyelashes at me. She leans over to my ear and whispers,

"Meet me at my locker after school today." To that, I only roll my eyes once more and break free form her grip. She keeps standing in the position she was in and I, not even turning my head back, yell to her,

"Not interested!" I soon find my locker which I picked in Freshmen year, right in between Zayn and Liam. I see them standing at their lockers, waiting for me.

"Tommo!" Zayn exclaims and holds out his hand for a high-five. I swat at it, and he lowers his hand and fake-pouts. Liam giggles and I turn my head to glare at him while opening my locker. I came in a few days ago to set up my locker, putting notebooks and folders and binders in it, so I only have to shove my backpack in.

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