Chapter 32

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Louis POV

"Harry's in love with you, Louis."

I feel my heart twist at the words. Harry's in love with you, Louis. My heart twists again. An unusual feeling of happiness washes over me as the words swirl through my head. I find myself smiling like an idiot.

"He is?" I ask hopefully, looking at Liam.

"Do you actually love him back! What the fuck, Louis!" He yells. I watch as he subtly reaches for his phone and texts someone.

"No I don't fucking love him back!" I yell, "You don't even have proof that he said it. Or when."

"In the parking lot," He snarls. I look down at my fingers, hearing a smack.

"What the fuck Liam! If Harry wanted to tell him, he would have! And even if it's not true, Harry deserved to be the one to tell him!"

"I agree!" I scream, feeling tears spread down my face.

"So you wanted to hear it from him!"

"Yes! Wait... no. I mean I just, this wasn't supposed to happen."

"Well it did, Louis. So what are you going to do? Confess your love to him?"

"I don't fucking love him!"

"Hi guys!" A familiar Irish accent sounds. I groan and look towards Liam, who smirks at me. Harry hopes into the room, a curl falling into his face. I know I should be focusing on the situation that I have been put in, but I can't. All I can focus on is Harry. He's beautiful.

He loves me.

"You said there was something wrong with Louis?" He asks, blowing the curl out of his face. I stand petrified in front of him for what feels like infinity.

"You said never in a thousand years," I whisper. His eyes look alarmed when they meet mine, "You- you said that..."

Liam smirks in between us, and Zayn looks like he's ready to kill him.

"Liam, you texted and said something was wrong," Harry says, his voice shaking. He turns his head towards Liam's smirking face. "You- you said he was hurt..."

"Oh darling, why don't you repeat everything you said in the parking lot today," Liam suggests, clasping his hands together.

"I didn't say anything," Harry says, his whole face changing. He sets his crutches down so that they are leaning against the wall, and he hops over to me. His strong arms wrapped around me tightly.

He pulls away before I get the chance to hug him back. His lips ghost by my cheek, barely even touching it, but even at the small contact of skin, butterflies erupt in my stomach. His forehead rests against mine and his eyes closed.

"Bye, Louis," He whispers to me. I lean forward to kiss him, but he pulls back before my lips can even brush against his. He smiles sadly, grabbing his crutches and hopping away. Niall follows closely after him, throwing concerned looks between Harry and I.

Harry doesn't look back as he moves away quickly. I slowly turn my head towards Liam. The smirk is still placed on his face. I look at Zayn and he nods.

I lunge out at Liam.

My first connects with his cheek, as I hit him over and over again. My hits get weaker as the amount of them increases. Tears fall down my eyes as I hit him weakly.

"You.. you fucking dick," I gasped out. Zayn watches Liam as he starts to cry too. He doesn't go to Liam though, he goes to me.

"Liam, you need to leave," He says coldly. Liam swallows, dashing out of the room. As soon as he's gone, Zayn scoops me up into his arms. He carries me to the couch, laying me down across it. "It's okay Lou, let it all out. You can talk to me if you want."

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now