Chapter 29

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As you can tell, I have nothing to do

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Harry POV

I sit in the bleachers, my eyes scanning the team. I wear one of Louis' spare jerseys, which makes me stand out against everyone else in the crowd. Louis said that it was the first time that he had ever let someone else wear his jersey before. 

I sit in the front row, right beside Ashe. She snaps pictures of the team relentlessly as they practice. Her long blonde hair is pulled up into a messy ponytail. She turns away from her camera for a second, sending me a small smile and pointing towards Niall. I follow her finger towards where Niall stands.

He waves at me excitedly, jumping up and down. I smile, my dimples burying into my cheeks.  I wave my hand up and wave back at Niall. Niall jumps up and down a little bit, running towards Louis and pointing up towards me. 

A large smile spreads across his face. He glances at Coach quickly before running towards the bleachers. Niall's eyes widen and he follows right behind Louis. I look to my other side, towards Zayn. I nudge his shoulder and point towards where Liam and Louis race towards us. 

Zayn's eyes light up as he sees Liam. He puts his phone into his pocket quickly, waiting for Liam, Niall, and Louis to get to us. Louis jumps up onto the bleachers and hugs me. Liam moves up onto the bleacher beside me, kissing Zayn. Louis pulls away from me with a smile on his face. Niall stands outside the bleachers, a blush on his face as he looks at Ashe.

"Hi Niall!" Ashe says, lowering her camera from her face.

"Hey, Ashe," He says quietly. I raise my eyebrows at him teasingly, which causes him to blush a deeper red. Louis taps my shoulder quickly, obviously mad that my attention wasn't on him. 

"Louis!" A girl exclaims. I roll my eyes at the brown-haired girl.

"What do you want, Eva?"


"Smeleanor," I whisper to Louis under my breath. Louis tips his head back with laughter. Eleanor pouts her too-pink lips at him.


"What is it, Eva?"

"You're not paying attention to me!" She screams. Louis and I laugh at her as she pouts, fluttering her clumpy eyelashes.


"You're supposed to!"

"I'm also supposed to be straight if I were to date a girl."

"Ugh!" Eleanor exclaims. 

"Bitch, he's not interested. Would you just leave him the fuck alone?" I sigh. 

"I won't, you fucking fag. You do understand that painted nails are for girls?" She snarls. Louis stands up immediately, alongside Ashe. Ashe walks right up to her and punches her square in the face.

"You're lucky that you're a girl, or I would've let Louis at you," She says in a low voice. Eleanor cries, letting tears fall down her face, "And I didn't even hit you that hard." 

Eleanor whimpers, turning around and dashing off with her friends. Louis grabs my hand quickly, looking down at my freshly painted nails.

"I like your nails, Harry," He says softly, "Don't listen to the others."

"Thank you," I say, looking down at my nails. Louis' fingers trace my hands softly as a small frown covers his face. My nails are painted the school colors again; black, white, and blue. Coach yells for them and he looks up from my nails. Liam and Niall turn around and rush towards the team. Louis kisses my cheek quickly before running off.

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now