Chapter 19

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Also I'm sooo excited to see what Harry wears at the Grammy's 

If he gets a performance, what song do you think he'll perform?

Warning: Smut


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Harry POV

"Wear Protection Styles," Niall adds before walking out of the door and sliding it shut. I freeze at what he suggests and wonder how he knew that I was here. I slowly slide out from under the bed, trying not to hit my head against the wood. I sit up after I have exited below the bed and stand up.

Louis looks at me awkwardly before sneering, "You can leave now."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I don't want you here, you can leave."

"Louis if this is about Niall-" I start. My voice trails off at the look Louis is giving me. "Well where am I supposed to go?"

"I don't know, and to be honest, I don't care either. Just get the fuck out of my house," He says angrily. I try not to show my confusion in the sudden change of mood, but I still nod my head. I begin to reach to pull off Louis' hoodie when he speaks again, but in a much softer voice, "You can keep it, if you want. I can wash your clothes and give them back to you later."


"Yeah," He says quietly, "You can grab a pair of my pants too." I smile slightly at him, and have to resist the urge to go up to him tell him to fuck me to oblivion. I realize I'm staring and curse at myself as a blush creeps over my face.

You hate each other. You're enemies. You hate each other. You're enemies. You hate him. He hates you, I remind myself silently as I pull off his shorts that I slept in. I clear my throat, trying to ignore how Louis' eyes are settled on the outline of my cock that shows through my boxers. Louis swallows thickly before meeting my eyes with his.


"Uh- do you.. uh, have any pants that are too big on you?"

"What does that mean Styles?"

"It's just that you're kind of a head smaller than me."

"Bitch," Louis mumbles under his breath. He walks up to me and grabs my hips, directing me out of the way of his dresser. I step with his hands before he quickly detaches them. I watch his side profile as he rustles through his drawers for a pair of pants. He grabs a pair of gray sweatpants and hands them to me,

"These should fit you," He says, trying to avoid eye contact. I grab them from his hands and nod. What I really want to do is grab him by the chin and kiss him all day long, but that's not really what I do with him. I turn away from him and slide on the sweatpants. When I turn around, though, Louis is right in front of me.

My breath hitches in the back of my throat and I stumble backwards, falling onto his desk. Louis lets out a guffaw of laughter as I stand up, embarrassed. I look at Louis for a second before he points towards the door. I nod and walk towards the door, opening it and strolling down the hallway, exiting the house.

And maybe, it was just my imagination playing tricks on me, but a feathery-haired figure seemed to be watching me through his window as I strolled towards the park.

Louis POV

I watch as Harry leaves, rolling my eyes at his stupid behavior. I try to be glad that he's gone, because I hate him and don't want him here, I really do; but it doesn't stop a small sinking feeling from arising in my stomach. Maybe I don't hate him?

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now