Chapter 15

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I just got my braces on (again) ew:(

Correct any mistakes, I didn't feel like editing

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Harry POV

I wake up with a strong arm wrapped around my waist. A feathery haired boy nuzzles into my neck. His soft breath brushes against my skin. 

I glance around his car and out the windows. The park is nearly empty, silence seems to grow on the grass. Voices seem to fall with the dandelion fluff that was blown with wishes.

I begin to shut my eyes to drift back to sleep when the arm around me jolts up. Louis is sitting, wide-eyed, right on my thighs.

"We have to go to school," He whispers, his voice barely audible in the small car. He continues to say something, but I don't hear it. I'm too busy staring as his thin lips and hair that is messy from sleep. His shirt is stretched out, revealing a toned chest.

"Harry?" He asks, waving his hand in front of my eyes, "Come on frogface, we need to get to school."

"Nooo," I whine, grabbing him around the waist and pulling him back down on top of me. He falls straight onto me, his chest landing against mine. Our faces are mere millimeters apart. Louis glares at me as his ocean blue eyes stare into my green eyes.

"I hate you."

"Hate hate you too, darling."

"Fuck you."

"Nah, I'll pass for now," I say, pushing him away slightly so I can sit up. He looks at me wide-eyed and I wink. He pushes against my shoulders lightly.

"Shut the fuck up," He replies. I smile, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him closer to me. He glares at me as I press a soft kiss to his lips. Rolling his eyes, he moves his lips to my neck. I gasp when he starts nibbling and sucking on my neck. He keeps his lips my neck, sucking and kissing it as his small hands find their way to my belt. He grasps hold of it as he pulls away from my neck.

He repositions himself so that he is looking me straight in the eyes. I hold his deep gaze as he pulls away from me and climbs into the driver's seat.


"What is it Harold?"

"What did ya do that for?" I ask, sitting up on the seat and leaning forward. I get no response. Louis starts the car, avoiding my gaze as he starts to drive out of the park.

"Louisss," I pout as he drives away from the pond and willow. When I realize that he won't respond, I grunt, sitting back in the seat and crossing my arms. Louis drives through a few neighborhoods until he gets to a gray colored house. There are a few flower pots that are filled with dead flowers. Some of the paint on the house is chipping, but I still find the house lovely.

Louis parks the car at the side of the road and slowly opens the car door and moves to my car door. He opens it and pulls me out of the car by my wrist. He leads me around the yard and to a tree. He points at it.

"You think that you can climb up that?" He asks, and I nod my head. He nods his head back at me as he reaches his hand up to a branch. He hoists himself up and continues to climb up the tree. I follow straight after him. Louis soon crawls down a branch and pops open a window, sliding in. I come in shortly after. 

I find myself sitting on an old wooden desk in what I can assume is Louis' room. I quickly climb off the old desk as Louis walks back into the room. He holds two bananas in his hand. He hands one to me, peeling the other. I watch as he wraps his small mouth around the banana. 

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