Chapter 7

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I missed Zayn's live :(  Anyways, stream Nobody is Listening (in case you aren't already)

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Edit: the end of this chapter is really confusing, I'm trying to think of ways to rewrite it so it isnt as confusing

I also dont like how it flowed in sooo I will definitely be changing it

Louis POV

My car moves down the road, with Zayn and Liam seated in the back. Apparently, they are boyfriends now, and I couldn't be happier for them. Really. I just wished they would limit the PDA.

I texted Niall, telling him that I would pick him up for school, and he agreed to it. We are on the way to his house now, which is the closest to the school. I wonder to myself if Harry will be at Niall's house. Liam and Zayn were hesitant to the idea of me picking up Niall, because of the fact that Harry will most likely be with him. And we know how that went last time.

I pull in front of his house, and no one is standing outside, so I bang on my horn. Niall bursts out of the house with Harry following close behind us. Zayn and Liam groan at the sight of him and I roll my eyes. Niall opens the door to the backseat and climbs in beside Liam.

I watch as Harry limps to the car. He must've used make-up because the bruises that spotted his face yesterday are completely gone. I eye his upper body, where he said that he had bruises from some other guy before turning my attention to the backseat.

"Awww," He coos, "Look at the lovebirds." Zayn playfully slaps his shoulder. Harry climbs into the passenger seat beside me, obnoxiously chewing his gum.

"Could you fucking shut up with the gum chewing?" I snarl and he gives me a pointed glare.

"Lewis," He sneers, but so quietly that I barely hear it.

"Harold," I address back to him. His green eyes meet mine for a split second, and his body visibly tenses. I shake my head and turn away from him with a clenched jaw. I hit on the gas, and the car jolts forwards. Styles looks at me and glares. I just shrug. 

He reaches his hand forward and he turns up the radio, bopping his head up and down to the music while mouthing the words. I smirk at him and he sticks his tongue out at me. I roll my eyes at his childish behavior as I pull into the school parking lot. 

We all get out of the car, Harry and I keeping our distance from each other, while Zayn and Liam separate. I understand that they aren't ready to come out to the school. Its not like our whole town is homophobic, but some people are, and its a hard thing to come out. I remember how scared I was to come out to my family. Thankfully, they took it very well. My younger sisters didn't know what was happening and started crying because I was. Fizzy patted my back and Lottie kissed my cheek. My mum gave me a big hug and took me for ice cream.

Niall stands between Zayn, Liam and I, and Harry, obviously lost on how he should act around us. He frantically turs his head towards me and I give him a small nod, signaling that its okay for him to talk to me. His posture loosens and he gives his usual smile. We all stand around my car for a few minutes, Zayn smoking a cigarrette and Niall laughing and keeping conversation going.

The bell rings for us to get into the school and we all slowly make our way to the school. Eleanor comes up to me and throws her arms around my neck.

"Hello Lou! I missed you so much yesterday!" She exclaims, fluttering her eyelashes. 

"Yeah, yeah." 

"Lou! I really did! How about that date, hmm?" 


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