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Years can pass without change.

And the only inevitable change was a thick stem, a bud of a flower atop it, growing from the small seeds of love that had been originally planted.

Their love now stood as tall as the ferris wheel they had been to on their first date.

And the strength of it was never ending.


"Babe," Louis giggles, sitting on Harry and his bed, legs crossed as he stares at Harry with wide eyes. Harry has his homework in front of him, and he stares at it , biting his lips to suppress.

"Harry," Louis draws out, tugging on Harry's arm. Harry sighs, lifting his head up, a few of his curls falling into his face as he looks up at Louis.

"What is it?" He groans.

"I want to watch a movie!" Louis whines in return, turning his head towards the television.

"No you don't," Harry sighs. Louis frowns, crossing his arms over his chest annoyedly.

"Yes I do!"

"No, you want to fuck me," Harry states, raising his eyebrows at his boyfriend. Louis' jaw drops open at the accusation, leaving him completely and utterly speechless.


"You love me."

"I do," Harry smiles, filing all of his papers into his hands. He pats the papers against the bed, making sure they are neat before he leans back to set them on the bedside table. He lays all the way back on the bed, his arms spreading open and holding out for Louis. Louis giggles again, crawling on top of Harry.

"Love you."

"Love you more."

"Not possible," Harry mumbles, pulling Louis closer to him. Louis quickly cuddles himself closer to Harry, grin widening on his face. He presses a sweet kiss to Harry's neck before burying his head into Harry's neck. Harry's hand is on Louis' back, lighter than a feather but still sending the now-familiar sparks through Louis' body.

"Wanna do something?" Harry groans, the words coming off as more of a rhetorical question than anything else; as Louis begins kissing his neck more. Louis' hands are trailing over Harry's body in a way the says 'let me fuck you' rather than- what Harry assumed he would be doing tonight 'can we cuddle now.'

"Harry," Louis whispers, removing his lips from Harry's neck.

"What is it?"

"Don't wanna go to Liam and Zayn's," Louis mumbles in return, pressing another chaste kiss to the area right below Harry's jaw.

"We promised, baby," Harry sighs.

"Hmph," Louis grunts, sitting up from where he was laying on Harry's chest, so his legs are straddling Harry's hips down to the bed.

"Louis," Harry warns, slowly beginning to sit up. Louis just pushes back on Harry's shoulders, pinning him down towards the bed.

"I've got you now!" Louis laughs.

"No you don't!" Harry smiles, easily pushing Louis off of him. He springs up from the bed, landing neatly on his feet. He spares a glance back towards Louis before grinning and dashing out of their room. He grabs hold of the corner of the wall to propel himself forwards, all the way out of the dorm. He can hear Louis behind him, and yeah, he knows for a fact that Louis is faster than him. This isn't going to go too well, is it?

Harry is frantically sprinting at this point, outside into the crisp nighttime air. His shoes hit the parking lot, his bare feet chilling because of the cold surface. Louis is really close behind him.

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now