Chapter 35

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So um fun fact actually really really sad fact someone added this to a list of stuff they couldnt finish(:O) and I was like WHOOP YEAH SELF ESTEEM ABOUT THIS SHIT IS GOING UP... BUT THEN I saw that ankles and awkwardness AND co-captains were oN THE LIST TOO AND I WAS LIKE OOP GUESS EVERYONE DOESNT HAVE GOOD TASTE

^I was half asleep when I wrote that so sorry (I'm keeping it up cuz lowkey loving the self confidence)

I apologize for the Italian I just used Google translate😫✋




Louis POV

I rush to the mirror, looking myself up and down again. I slump down, this outfit looks like shit. Liam smirks from the doorway of the bathroom, amused at how flustered I am. 

"Do you think I need to brush my teeth again?" I ask, grabbing for my toothbrush. Liam laughs loudly, shaking his head. 

"No. We're heading out to Ben and Max's, have fun doing your... stuff," Liam says, turning on his heel. I hear the hotel door open and close one time.

"You better get out there, he won't wait all night," Zayn yells out, and the door shuts again behind him. I shake my head, adjusting the lavender sweater that I stole from Harry. I look forwards into the mirror, studying myself one more time. I grab the key off of the counter, dashing out of the bathroom. I grab one of Harry's purple bandanas, just in case we need it, walking towards the door. I push the door open, passing a group of boys who linger in the hallway. 

I nod towards them quickly, running towards the elevator. I press the button repeatedly, shifting in between my toes and heels as I wait. A ding goes off and I run into the elevator, pressing the button that says 'roof.'

As I wait, a quiet song plays in the background. I barely recognize it before realizing that it is Isn't She Lovely. I hum along nervously, waiting for the elevator to stop. I let out a breath of relief when it stops, the doors opening in front of me. My jaw drops when I see the surface in front of me. 

A few lights shine over the roof, a group of couches under them. No one is over on the couches when I go to check. I spin around, looking for Harry. I gasp when I see him sitting on the edge of the roof. I slowly approach him, sliding down beside him. 

"Hi Harry," I say quietly. His head whips up, he must have just noticed my presence. He quickly pushes me backwards from the edge of the roof, and I tumble against the concrete.

"Stay the fuck away from the edge, Louis," He says, worry filling his voice, "You could've fallen," He says. He stands up from the edge of the roof and scoops me up into his arms. I giggle at him quietly, kissing his lips quickly. We kiss for ten minutes before Harry puts me back down on the ground. He leads me up to where we can lean against a concrete wall. He rests his elbows on the wall, grabbing my hand.

I look out over the street, and the football fields that lay not too far away. Some of the lights still shine onto the field as players dash around. On the street below us, people talk loudly with their friends. Harry's thumb rubs over my knuckle gently.

"I- Are you okay?" I ask Harry, looking at his side profile. He swallows, his Adam's Apple bobbing. I look as he looks down, the shadows of his eyelashes stretching across his face. The glistening glow of the moon lights up his skin, illuminating him perfectly.

Midplay ::: Larry Stylinson ✔Where stories live. Discover now