Chapter 3

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A/N  I was eating a pretzel and it jammed into the roof of my mouth and now I'm bleeding. Cute.  Also Larry in Chile resurfacing with no damage control? oop.

I'm obsessed with Nobody is Listening. ITS SO GOOD! What is your favorite song on the album?

There will be a few POV changes, so look out for them!

Vote & Comment luvs

Louis POV

I wake up on a rainy Tuesday morning, and immediately pull the bedcovers back over my head. I feel longing to just skip school, but I promised Zayn and Liam that I would give them a ride to school so I reluctantly get out of my bed, moving very slowly. I walk to my closet and pull on a pair of black skinny jeans and an adidas sweatshirt. Usually, I would go running in the morning, but since its so rainy outside, I don't really want to.

I run downstairs, where my sisters' babysitter is already sitting on the couch reading a book. My mom must have went into work early. The girl, Shailene gives me a quick hello before turning back to the book that she's reading.

I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of orange juice as I grab a package f pop tarts. I gobble them down because I need to leave earlier since I am picking up Liam and Zayn. I run up the stairs to grab my backpack. I put some extra clothes in my gym locker yesterday, so I don't have to pack any for after school. I grab a folder that I keep all of my homework in and put it in my backpack.

I walk out of my room to the hallway and down the stairs with my black backpack slung over my shoulder. When I reach the door, I slide on my vans and grab the keys off the hook that is on the wall by the door. I get into my car and drive to Zayn's house, which is farther away. We will pick Liam up on the way to the school. 

Zayn, who is wearing another one of his t-shirts that he cropped the sleeves on, is waiting at the end of his driveway for me, listening to music through his earphones. He doesn't notice that I am sitting by his driveway which I roll my eyes at as I honk my horn. I burst out laughing when Zayn jumps about five feet in the air. He frowns when he sees me and stomps his way to the car.

He throws open the door and jumps into the car, buckling his seatbelt. I smirk at him as he turns down the volume on his earbuds, his response being sticking his tongue. He bops his head along to his music. Zayn mouths the words to his song and I smile at him. He just scowls at me. 

I watch as his actions and expression changes completely as we approach Liam's house. His eyes widen and his cheeks flush. He pulls his earphones off of his ears and shoves them hastily into his backpack. 

"Z, calm down, its just Liam." He looks at me as if I just said the most offensive thing on this Earth.

"What the fuck Loueh?" I snort. We get to Liam's house and Zayn's face turns into an open-mouthed smile. Liam smiles widely and jumps into the backseat.

"Hi bebs!" Zayn exclaims, maybe a bit too loudly. Liam smiles wide and leans forward to kiss him on the cheek. Zayn's face flushes even redder. He leans back into the middle of the backseat.

"Hey! What about mine?" I question jokingly. Liam rolls his eyes and leans forward. He puts each of his hands on my cheeks roughly and presses a sloppy kiss to my foreheat. I wrinkle my nose at the wipe the wet spot from my forehead.

"Okay then, Louis, I think we out to get to school now, don't you?" Zayn says, and I see how tense his whole body has got. He stares at me with a clenched jaw.

"Don't worry, Z, I'm not gonna steal your man," I reply teasingly, "I kinda have a thing for Susan Boyle." I wink at him and Liam barks a laugh. 

However, I do start the car and begin to drive. I come to a halt, though, when Liam demands that I stop the car. He slides to the seat next to him and rolls down the window. He pokes his head out of it like a dog. Zayn and I both frown and turn to the window to see what he is looking at.

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