Chapter 6

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Louis POV

I sit beside Harry on the wet grass, unable to reply to his words. He now sits with his head bowed down, wet curls falling into his face. I shut my eyes and listen to his choking sobs and sharp intakes of breath.

I hate him.

That's what I tell myself.

I guess I might.


Then why am I here, and not walking home to my house? I shake my head, trying to listen to the sound of the rain to wash away my thoughts. My thoughts don't go away.

Harry won't look up. He just keeps his head down towards the dewy grass, his tears falling to the already wet ground.

"Harry." I say quietly. I reach my hand out towards his face but he just covers his face with his hands. He shakes his head slightly.

"Harry," I repeat, my voice even softer. I grab his large hands and lower them from his face. I grab his chin and hold it up so that he is looking at me.

"Harry, who did this to you? Was it me? I'm so sorry if it was, I really didn't mean to," I whisper. Stupid me for being soft around emotional people. He just sharply shakes his head, standing up. He shoves his hands into his sweatshirt pocket. and pulls his hood up. I scramble to my feet to try to catch up to the long strides.

"Harold!" I exclaim as I walk.

"What is it Lewis?" he sneers. I am slightly taken aback by his sudden change in mood. He turns around to face me, a glare plastered on his face.

"Would you just fucking listen to me! I'm trying to be nice to you, jack-ass!" I scream at him. He walks up to me and places his hands on my shoulders, pushing me backwards. I stumble, and slip on mud falling to the ground.

"No, I won't fucking listen to you, Tomlinson," He yells. I glare at him, watching in frustration as he turns on his heel. I quickly get to my feet and run in front of him. I push my hands against his chest. He whimpers, and pushes my hands off of him. He tries to take a step back from me, but I grab his waist. His eyes go wide, and tears well up in his eyes.

He gently takes his hands and pulls my hands off of his waist. His eyes are still wide and tears fall down his face. He shakes his head at me and finally walks away. I huff and roll my eyes at him, but curiosity still overtakes me as I quietly begin to follow him down the street. He walks with his head on the ground, and hands in his jean pockets. I shake my arms, realizing that I am covered in mud. 

Harry takes a few turns, and I follow behind him. I watch as he walks down a familiar street. He turns towards a house and I hide behind a bush.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" a familiar Irish accent sounds.

"It-its M-Mi-Mike. H-h-he d-did it ag-again," Harry chokes out in between sobs. 

"Where are the bruises this time?" Niall questions, and I frown.

"M-my hips, an-and my r-r-ribs a-and m-my che-chest" he replies, and I gasp. That must've been why he didn't want me to touch him.

"Well, come on inside then, I'll get you all bandaged up and you can stay the night."

"Thanks Ni" 

I hear as footsteps sound and the front door shuts. I step out from my hiding place and crouch as I walk to the sidewalk. As soon as my shoes hit concrete, I stand back up to my fullest height. As I walk home, I ponder about Harry.

I wonder why he was so delicate earlier with me, considering how rude we usually are to each other. 

Why's and What's surround my brain as I trudge my way back to my house. Liam and Zayn sit on my small porch, waiting for me. Zayn smokes as Liam twirls my keys on his finger. Zayn's arm is thrown over Liam's shoulders and Liam has his arm laid across Zayn's thighs.

"What the hell took you so long?" Zayn shouts.

"Oh, I just fucked your neighbor, it was great." I reply.  

"Haha," Zayn replies sarcastically, "But seriously, where were you?" I debate telling him about Harry. Of course, it would be great to tease him with, but I feel like I'm holding a very personal piece of information that I shouldn't share.

"Just ran a few laps," I reply and come up to the step that they are sitting on. I bring my legs up to my chin.

"I'll pick you up from school tomorrow, yeah?" I offer, and Liam nods, handing me my keys. I grab them from his hand, and glance up at the tree that leads to my room window. Zayn and Liam walk away, hand in hand. The mud on my skin and clothes have dried, but I still don't want to walk through the house like this.

I walk over to the tree and reach my arms to the shortest branch. I swing my legs over it and haul myself onto the next branch. When I reach the branch that leads to my room, I crawl across it and, luckily, my window is unlocked.  I push open the window and crawl into my room, landing on my desk. I immediately slide off of the desk, since it isn't exactly new.

I run to the shower and strip out of my hard and dirty clothes. I jump into the shower, shave, brush my teeth, and wash my face before slipping under the familiar bed covers and drifting off into sleep.

Liam POV

Zayn walks beside my with his hand interlocked with mine. We dropped Niall off at his house, and I'm so happy that all of my friends got along with each other. 

Zayn blows his cigarettes' smoke into the foggy night air. I smile at his beautiful features. I can see his long lashes and flawless skin and hair. As I examining his features, I zone out a little, and end up running into a tree.

I blush and rub my head as Zayn chuckles at me, pulling me out of the way from the tree and pressing a kiss to my cheek. My blush deepens and I smile widely. Zayn spots my smile and smiles at me. 

He pulls me even closer to him and slings his arm over my shoulder, dropping his cigarrette on the ground. We walk through a few streets before we reach my house. He walks me to the door, and I try to open it before he grabs my elbow and spins my into him, pressing his lips to mine. 

His hands travel to my hip, and my hands grab hold of his face. Our lips move in sync, and I open my mouth, letting his tongue slip into my mouth. I let out a moan and he smirks against my lips before I let him continue to explore his tongue through my mouth. We both pull away and I take a step back.

"Bebs, will you be my boyfriend?" He asks with his usual confidence. I smile widely.

"Yes, yes of course!" I almost screech as the words come out of my mouth. He grins at me.

"Of course you do," He teases and presses a kiss to my temple before walking down the steps that lead to my house and beginning his walk home. I walk into the house, smiling like an idiot and walk up to my room, falling asleep in the thoughts of the beautiful boy that I can now officially call mine.

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