2nd ARC | 35 | Retrogression

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White, now black, dull, and grey; the clouds have parted, ready to set the night in display. The moon has already risen, the clock ticking passed 7 pm, the evening breeze has also arrived, and yet Thunderstorm has refused to leave his chambers for even a second.


Please, Taufan...

Thunder sat there, limp on the cold tiles of his bedroom floor, the tuft of his bangs casting a shadow over his crimson orbs whilst a melancholic voice screamed in his head.

It was dying down, I assure you, no longer that of a monstrous growl trying to take over his consciousness.


"Hali... It's time for dinner..."

... Leave me alone.

His outcries are unheard of, the silence of his room sending a wave ringing in his ears whilst he prayed he needn't answer to his brother's call and tried - oh he tried - to patiently wait for him to leave.

Yes, he knew exactly who stood parallel from him just outside his door, but he doesn't opt to respond.

The younger has stood there for half passed a quarter now, biting his lip so anxiously; the lack of response from the other slowly driving him crazy.

Gempa has left the task to him after every last one of their brothers failed to call him out; hoping the lightning elemental would listen if it were his favourite little brother calling his name. Clearly, he was already failing the given task as well.

"Thunder...??" still, no response.

He felt sorry, truly; wishing for his brother to leave so as not to prolong his own sufferings any further, so he finally speaks up... It may be the least trouble he can create for himself.

"Go eat, Angin." the younger perks up, relieved to hear his voice, though muffled, from beyond that red and black themed door; his lightning insignia shining faintly under the flush mount lights of the hallway. "Mr. Papa gave us a five-page homework for Geometry. New lesson."

Ah, another lie, no doubt. Yes, Cyclone was aware his words were not of much honesty; Solar has concluded so after coming home and hearing he's locked himself up in his room after his shift at the Kokotiam.

They caught a glimpse of their dearest brother lounging in the main room, all huddled up in one of his oversized hoodies when they came home, haggard so, he appeared to lack sleep.... Then he disappeared into his room before they could utter a word.

They've done what they could to pry him out, taking turns knocking on his door to check if he was doing alright... Especially after... today's events. Sadly he hasn't answered to any of their calls, not even when Solar risked getting himself into another fight throwing a few insults here and there to provoke him, no. His desperate tactic was deemed wasted as Hali simply told him to "Go back to your lab, Cahaya. Don't you have shit to finish..."

Then, Quake had his turn... receiving an excuse saying that he had lots of assignments to work on for a response. And that's how Solar managed to conclude that the older was, indeed, lying; you said otherwise on the phone that same afternoon...

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