1st ARC | 26 | Lights Out

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Art up top is by yours truly, Zyca, author-chan. Pls excuse the variety of colouring styles, it's been 3 yrs since I coloured for digi-art, my style has become so complicated HAHAHA!

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

The darkness... Must we succumb to it?

Must we allow the light we held onto, disperse into oblivion?

Why how else...

... If that light itself was the one who left.

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Eerie was the moon, though bright, its luminescence only allowed the shadows to crawl about in the depths of Pulau Rintis.


Tick, tock... said the clock. The light shall capitulate and thus disintegrate.

"(Y/n) p-please..."

Where... Oh where did all that light go in this darkness?

"...I-I'm so-sorry..."


Quake shivered, a sinister breeze breathing over his nape as he ascended the steps of the staircase; a plate of marinated chicken in his hands. He's walked this hall more than he could ever count, but why was he feeling so... haunted... just approaching one of his brothers' bedroom doors? Was it the absence of light in the hall? No... He wakes up at 2 am to grab a glass of water- it can't be the right reason. Oh but surely...

... Something felt wrong.

But what?

10:37pm, his watch read. Not quite a time for a proper dinner, no?

Then again, the light elemental's locked himself up in his room, shoving his brothers aside with a cold shoulder and opted to skip dinner; not even bothering to tell his brothers or grandfather his plans for staying in the second floor. Thus so, he's gone silent, so unlike himself it had everyone under that roof so worried for his mental state.

"I'll go check on Cahaya!" Thorn's volunteered to comfort him that afternoon, very much concerned for his favorite older brother. "D-Daun, let me handle this, okay?" but Quake decided worrying their youngest wasn't worth it in this situation.


Quake knocked. Thrice, to ensure that the latter heard him through the door.


However there was no answer to greet him.

"Cahaya??" he repeated, using his nickname as he raised his voice. Why isn't he answering? Still, silence was all he received.

It seems his dear brother wasn't planning on fetching the door for him. So, taking it upon himself, he twists the doorknob, grunting in surprise when something prevented him from opening the door. He peeked through the crack, wondering what could be in his way.

"Uh, Solar...?" he called, bracing himself to use his body and push on the door. "Agh!" He frowned at the bookshelf that served to barricade the door, books and whatnot now completely disorganized from their usually neat order. They seem to have been recklessly thrown about, noticing that the shelf itself wasn't even upright.

And the boy gasps, flinching at the sight of the room before him.

It was dark, the only source of light being the lamp, laying on its side on the floor. It barely illuminated the place but just one look and you could clearly see how trashed the room has become.

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