3rd ARC | 41 PT 1 | Hell Week

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"Two hot cocoas, please!"

Sunny. Today was yet again so bright and sunny. Beaming, even under all these trees. The skies were clear of nought a speck of cloud with ease.

Ah, what godly aroma to accompany this beautiful morning; their Granddad's infamous cocoa but a waft of delicious artistry.

"Coming right up! Taufan!" Thunderstorm called, the need to put his brother to haste barely a necessity because, "Yep!" Taufan chirped, "On it!", the younger boy was already on the move, expertly juggling around the mugs that had been slid across the counter his way, working out the mix and blend they've long put into muscle memory.

Two fine mugs of hot cocoa are ready on the go. The duty in the making was a given. After all, they've grown accustomed to the routine that they no longer needed to glance around looking for certain objects or trying so desperately to recall if they'd been following the steps right.

"Two mugs of hot cocoa~ Have a great morning~!"

"Thank you abang Cyclone!!"

Ah, that wide grin on his face - "We got three orders of iced cocoa here, Angin!"

"Got it! eH-!!?!" And he almost dropped his composure along with the bag of cocoa grasped so tightly in his hands that the hem practically went and wrinkled - the mere sight a discovery he never knew he'd come to witness till the most due time.

His neck craned over, cerulean orbs bewitched and very much bemused - he almost didn't believe that which he caught sight of - "H-Hali..."

Shivery, his voice has toned down below levels contrary to his previously cheery melody.

Has his eyesight finally gone bad? From playing too many video games, perhaps? Or, staying up late past the moon's rising, scrolling away through his phone in the dark of the night? No - maybe the cocoa has dusted his eyes? Oh, he so dearly wished that were the damned case but, well -

"The hell are you staring at, airhead?" Thunder barked, indirectly reminding Cyclone of the - incredibly long - incoming list of orders as he felt his twin's eyes glued right on his figure. Or, say, the blemish mark peeking just under his jawline.

"I-is that a - No way!" Taufan gaped, almost too dramatically, eyes still stuck on the older male's neck. Cobalt pupils shifted to meet his crimson eyes. But the daunting glare beneath them didn't even stop or at least make him hesitate to raise his voice and say - "I'm not blind man - That's exactly what I think it is, isn't it!?"

"The fuck?" The older huffed, a brow raised in utter confusion from his sudden outburst. "Keep it down. You'll scare the customers."

Feigning ignorance? No, Taufan's not that dumb. If anything, it was Hali who failed to realise the situation. Not Angin.

Ah, but how was he going to bring it up, cuz yeah he'll scare the customers if he goes raising his voice again - so he latches on his brother and pulls him aside, "O-oi! The heck now Taufan!?" - albeit his dear twin's perplexed response, duh.

Gods - and he didn't even spare a second to - "That's a hickey on your neck, right?"

And that's why Thunderstorm burned red as his emblem.

Hell, he was even left speechless. Enough just to simply nod in the case Taufan might go pestering him further, but with that gaping jaw, there wasn't that much of a difference. So why lie about it -

"Holy fuck did Y/n do that?"



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