3rd ARC | 42 PT 2 | Braindead

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"You look happy." It was flat, Ais' comment; cyan eyes blanking out towards the whiteboard, rather nonchalant about their class's current lesson.

He'd much rather sink in his baby blue bean bag, body sagging in the feather-filled chair with a cup of his granddad's delicious iced cocoa than suffer 8 whole hours sitting on a wooden seat, standing up just to sit on another wooden seat in another classroom right down the hall or three buildings away.

Yes, he'd much prefer his bean bag. The thought alone was making him drowsy even, a yawn passing him with a careful hand covering his mouth.

His brother is very much in the same state - well was in the same state approximately 53 minutes ago.

Thunder's much more lively, according to Ais' observations for, again, the last 53 - now 54 - minutes. There was a glimmer of satisfaction and a clear hint of his pride shining under those erubescent orbs.

"Can't I be?" Thunder responds.

Curious, truly.

Quite a mystery even, for the ice elemental to deduct such a conclusion. Thunder had no idea as to how he thought so, only that Ais shouldn't even be able to see the smile on his face no matter how subtle because in the first place, Ais hasn't looked in Halilintar's direction for the last 55 minutes.

The former hums, the need to question himself now coming into the picture. "Mm... It's just sudden." Ais elaborates, "You looked pretty bummed out this morning."

Yes, indeed, the lightning elemental was in quite the grouchy mood. Although the emotion was barely visible on his face, the colliding clouds darkening as the day passed gave him away.

"Something happened?" Ais knew the answer would be a yes. He was perceptive enough to know as much... But what bothered him was his brother's mood.

Mood swings to be accurate.

He just knew, even without so much as stealing a glance at the older twin. Something's not right.

It could've been a mere wild guess on his part, but his instincts are telling him to dig out the truth.

Of course, it comes as a given that Hali may or may not get pissed with his prying, but it also comes as a given that he was Ais.

One of the only three twins among the brothers who Thunderstorm would actually not get mad at.

Right now, there's about one possibility, one scenario that could've lifted his brother's mood and Thunder has been silent for a bit, probably mulling over a decision between lying through his teeth or spilling the tea -

"I kissed Y/n."

"Ah." Figures. Ais snorts. He was right on point, as usual, a bloody smirk carelessly forming on his drowsy little face.

And out comes his outright commentary - "Instant serotonin boost, then."

He hears the other's "Tch", no doubt now dusted with pink on his cheeks as a knowing smirk of his own tugs on his lips.

His embarrassment is radiating off of him immensely, to the point Ais doesn't have to guess a conclusion anymore. But he needn't fret. The polar bear has long since known you would fit right into the picture.

... Oh wait, look.

This time, Ais does steal the older male a glance. The after-effects of his embarrassment was still there; his face flushed and all. But he sensed something new in the air around them.

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