1st ARC | 20 | 7th Heaven

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37 missed calls.

Most were from Solar.

Others from Ice.

Some from Quake.

Even from Kaitlynn.

And also from Thunderstorm.

Texts? Loads of them from Solar spamming your chat box, and two messages from Quake.

You sniffle. Three hours of crying filled with anger, anxiety, regret, and sadness, all snuffed up into a whole box of tissues.

Staying home was a no-go, cuz obviously the brothers' first move will be checking your house and you didn't feel like meeting with any of them at the moment.

So, you left your school bag, got your wallet, an umbrella, and went to the first place that came in your head: a milk tea, study, and gaming chill shop downtown called 7th Heaven: Milk Tea & Chill.

It was the only place that successfully calmed you down in your lone hangouts, impulsively spending your money as a habit you've been trying to get rid of ever since... You never really stopped it though.

Your hand grasped the box, your head turning to look at it when all you felt was the carton. Great.... You got up from the bean bag, pulled the booth's door open, and waved at one of the women from the counter.

"Yes dear?" she asked. "I'm sorry but... Can I have another box...?" you asked, showing her the empty tissue box and she gives you a small smile, nodding as she made her way to exit the counter's station. "Sure dear, anything you need. I'll bring you the bigger ones from the back storage."

You mumble a "Thank you..." and settled back inside the booth, slumping back onto the bean bag as you sniffled with a loud sigh.

Your head was filled with distractions of all kinds whilst you stared at the ceiling of the booth. Most of them being your disappointment on... Damn it... You can't even mention his name now and your lips quivered, tears threatening to roll over your cheek any second.

Just then, your phone lit up in the dimmed room, sitting on the coffee table as the note key of your message notifications kept ringing. You frowned at it, thinking it was Solar spamming you again.

However, it wasn't him.

"I know ur sad."

It was the leader of the Trouble Trio.

"But if ur sad, u shouldn't be."

You unlock your phone, surprised to see three dots bouncing at the lower left corner of your screen. You were guessing they forced him to try and text you since you didn't reply. But just as you moved to press the power button to put it back on lock screen, Blaze's next message made you look twice.

"Bcoz sad backwards is das."

"And das not good."

Pfft... You cackle, cracking up at the randomness of his message. Oh that's him alright! His twins wouldn't have been able to think of such a joke unless they actually tried, concluding that the fiery elemental was certainly the person typing from the opposite screen.

You sniffle with a small smile on your face. That was a good laugh... You thought... And you were reminded of the reason for your solitude, just the thought of it immediately wiping the smile from your lips as you dropped your phone to your side.

You sigh, What do I do with him now...?

A green light emitted from the intercom by the wall next to you, a female voice saying "Honey, come get the box on the counter. I'm still handling some orders." and you sit up, chucking your phone into your hoodie's pocket as you stood up.

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