15 | Polar Bear & Api

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Blaze sniffled, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his glove in utter discomfort. The cold was becoming unbearable for him, especially for his clothing style, despite his elemental powers.

His brother was more than displeased with his current state. Blaze had been coughing, and sneezing, and everything for the last 23 minutes just sitting down in his seat.


And there goes his powers. "Eesh!", Each time he sneezes his powers go berserk, fire exploding from his body uncontrollably. Ice even had to ask their fellow classmates to stay away for their own safety.

Ice tutts, face palming as he rolled his eyes. Disappointment wasn't enough to describe his irritation.

"Why did you leave your meds at home!?"

"I told you, they taste bad!"

Ice inhales, quite exaggeratedly, to stop himself from dropping an ice block on his obstinate brother. "You freaking flamebrain. What the hell am I gonna do with you?"

His brows met in frustration as he eyed his dear polar opposite. Frowning even more when Blaze started to shiver, sneezing and coughing endlessly.

He covers himself with his arm just as Blaze released another fiery sneeze. Oh could it get any worse?

Ice sighs, although his expression softened as he wordlessly pulled his hoody off and peeled the thick fabric from his body. Blaze sniffled as he lifted his head, feeling his brother wrap the jacket over him.

"Wear that for today. You'll seriously catch a fever in those sleeveless clothes." Ice comments.

Blaze smiles, uttering a "Thanks" as he sniffled whilst pulling the fluffy hoody over his head.

They may be polar opposites and usually bickered a lot, even over the most absurd and littlest things, but they were family and nothing was as important as each other's safety.

"Hehe. I used to be the one taking care of you, Ais."

Ice grins at the memory. Oh how ironic. He was older and yet Blaze had to take it upon himself to take care of him when they were kids.

"You were so lazy back then, haha!"

Blaze laughed, reminiscing the old days. "I used to pull you around and get you to work out... Gempa even thought I was the older twin. Hahaha!"

Ice rolled his eyes, pulling on the zipper of his jacket so as his dear brother would no longer feel cold.

"Ye la.. Well, I'm the older twin... I gotta act like one now that we're older."

You grin at the brothers, loving how the bond of their brotherhood was stronger than their fighting fits as siblings.

"Next time, don't forget these."


The twins' heads immediately turned to your direction upon hearing your voice. Meticulously watching your figure, surprised with your presence in their midst.

Blaze's fiery orbs landed on the ziplock of his prescribed medical pills hanging from your hand, frowning at the sight of the colors in the clear bag.

"(Y/n)!?" they gasped. "Ay, didn't Solar tell you to rest at home?" Ice inquired as you passed the bag to Blaze's hand.

You snicker, grinning evilly. "Yeah well... You guys know I don't really listen to him all the time." and you smirk, watching the twins' reactions for your own satisfaction.

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