29 PT 1 BONUS | For How Long

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The early morning breeze was joined with the gentle drumming of rain as Thunderstorm wandered the halls of their school with his brother, Cyclone.

As though it was raining, the lightning elemental was at peace, knowing the current weather wasn't his doing. It had been quite some time since it rained and it wasn't his fault... After all, he had been more cheerful these last few days as your presence has efficiently helped him calm down from fury and irritation.

Cyclone was rambling about on his hover board, which he had sneakily summoned with the reason that there weren't any teachers present to scold him, but his stories were rendered pointless for his brother wasn't even paying attention to him.

Rather, he was distracted with some deep thought, blank scarlet eyes glued on the empty hallway before them.

And the younger decided to open a new, much more interesting topic.

"Hey, Hali?" he tested, trying to get his older brother's attention first.

An empty "Hm...?" was his response and Cyclone opted to more desperate measures.

"Think you can help me with some of my assignments at home?"


When the wind elemental knew that that was all he was going to say, he continued speaking, "... Or maybe (Y/n) will help.", mentioning you next and Thunder's eyes met his with confusion.


Eesh, I knew it.

He was right to assume the latter was once again distracted, only gaining his attention at the mention of your name.

But it didn't matter. He did want to open a more interesting topic.

"Were you saying something, Cy?" Thunder asks, still confused as though he swore he heard his brother say something about you.

"Hehehe." the younger chuckled with a wide grin, maneuvering over right beside the older. "I was asking about (Y/n)."

Thunder averts his eyes but he keeps his cool demeanour, suddenly aware where this topic was leading him to. "You were saying?"

"Hehe. Any new plans for your next move?" Cyclone pried, hoping Thunder would reveal his thoughts.

Said male was humming in thought, eyes rolling up the ceiling whilst he recalled of any mental notes and whatnot. "Not much." he says. "I wanna take things slow."

"Eeehh! But whyyy??? You can have her in a blink if you tried!!!"

Thunder scoffs at his brother, amused that he was excited about him. "You seem more eager than I am, Angin."

"Well I'm excited for you, duh! What was the best thing you even did?"

Cyclone's excitement had his brother thinking to the events of the past two weeks, right from the second you chose him for a math partner to the following week after Solar's incident, recalling a certain day he'd never forget as a smirk naturally spread across his face.

"Just the time I stayed at her house." he finally answered, and it was safe to say little Cycy wasn't so disappointed.

"Oohh!! Yeah, that was really something, Hali~"

Sorry not sorry, Thunderstorm has already told Cyclone about his past activities with the goal to fluster you, down to every. Single. Detail.

As he was closer to Quake and Cyclone, his secrets sometimes tend to slip through his lips and he doesn't notice it until either of the two had started teasing him about it. But not this one, he openly told Cycy about his thoughts on you; how you make him calm and put a smile on his lips, how he loves your laughter, the glimmer always shining in your eyes, how adorable you were when you're enthusiastic about something, everything!

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