2nd ARC | 32 | Scorching Frostbite

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The scribbling of pens, crumples of papers, the utter silence accompanied by a mere sigh of distress here and there drove students mad as time ticked by, counting down the minutes left available for them to finish answering their quizzes.

Among them, the bad boy himself was sighing, slumped against his seat, cap tilted too low up front as he stared into oblivion like a lost soul.

He can't take it.

Usually, he wouldn't care, not a tad bit- no. But the stifling ring in his ears was too annoying, he felt as if a fly got stuck in there somehow.

... And he needed a break from the chemical equations he had to solve.

"Screw this shit..." he mumbled in a hushed tone, down to volumes only he could have heard.

He stands from his seat, asking their teacher for a few minutes in the restroom just to clear his head.

Gloves slipped off, his cap strapped onto the hook of his belt, water splashes about onto his face; the cold immediately driving the sleep away from his eyes.

Thunder sighs yet again, drying his hands with a couple of tissues whilst he held a staring contest against his own reflection.

I hate feeling this shit...

No, he wasn't sick.

And no, it wasn't a headache from his quiz.

Rather, it was his heightened senses causing a churn in his stomach once again.

The feel for battle, like a warning, he felt his otherworldly-abilities, layers of skin away from summoning his infamous Thunder Blade.

It was helpful, the vigilance running through his veins, his sixth sense helping him predict any possibilities of danger lurking about every corner around him.

But in other times, he found it quite intolerable when he felt cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

A good example was how bad his stomach felt upon Solar's misfortune, fainting in his own blood only to be sent to the hospital late in the night.

He wonders, "What the hell could go wrong now?"



"Who in the hell..." no, he needn't finish that question.

He simply fished out his phone, the device relentlessly vibrating within his pocket and he eyes the caller's ID quite curiously.

'Queen Harley'

"(Y/n)...?" he asked, mostly to himself as his brows crashed in thought.

Now, don't mistake him. Hearing your voice was a cure to his ears, utter beauty like a melody only sang in heaven.

... But to call him in the middle of class?

He knew you were dismissed early, but he also knew you wouldn't bother him in a time like this.

And so... "(Y/n)?"... He answers your call in less than another second.

"Hey!" your voice rang in his ears and he was already feeling better. "You're still in class right?"

Quite an odd question to ask, to hint the obvious.

"Yeah...?" Thunder responds, baffled so to hear your tone of... Trepidation?

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