16 | FlirtatioUS Much

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You skid down the halls, in a hurry before you ran late for your next subject. Apparently your little chitchat with Quake made time pass by a little too quickly and the both of you rushed off down the halls to get to your lockers. Lucky enough, Quake was in your next class, which means you get to talk a little more.

Your locker rattles as you pulled your History textbook out and carelessly shoved it into your bag. You hear Quake tell you to hurry up, currently locking his locker as he spoke.

With a slam, you turn around, "Alright let's go-oof!!"

But in your rush, you collide with a body just as you turned from your locker. The force of the collision made the palm of your hands instinctively grasp onto the person's shirt... Or rather, his black and red jacket.

"Oi, watch it - (Y/n)!!?"

Fuck. You'd recognize that gruff voice anywhere. Even with his six other twins, his voice just stood out with his usual tone of ferocity.

Your eyes flutter open, meeting with beautiful scarlet ones and you grin nervously at the male.

"H-hi Thunder!" you stuttered, grasping his jacket a little tighter to balance yourself.

"Shit sorry!" He frowned, firmly holding you in place by your upper arms to prevent you from stumbling back and possibly falling on your bum.

But damn, was he handsome this close. The blood in your body just rushed up to your cheeks, coating the flesh in red as you suddenly recalled your topic with the polar opposites and Quake earlier.

Fuck! He's too close!!!

"(Y/n) let's go!"

Quake's voice suddenly called from the background, making you break eye contact and only then does Thunderstorm realize that he wasn't even supposed to see you, not until he got home after school, that is. "Hang on, what the hell are you doing here?!"

His grip on your arms were getting tighter, pulling you even closer to his chest. There was anger flaring in his eyes. Hell, he was worried! He thought he might've knocked you down and was scared your injury could've gotten worse if you hit your head.

You laugh nervously, pushing yourself away from him with shaking hands as you rushed to the other end of the hallway without letting him utter another word, yelling, "Sorry no time! I'll tell you later, Hali!"


Thunder stood in the hallway, fucking confused as to what just happened. One second he was rushing off to his English Class and the next he nearly lost his shit bumping into you out of nowhere.

He blinks, sweatdropping as he watched his older brother run after you and decided to yell, "Quake! Watch over her or Solar's gonna kill us!"

The earth elemental yelled back an, "I know! Go to class, Thunder!" and his figure disappeared around the corner.

The fuck is she doing here? No use wondering about it now, really. He has 30 seconds left before he got late.

With a final glance, he shook his head and used his lightning speed to avoid getting a tardy for his next class... which was luckily only a few doors down from his last position.


Thunder hums, his pen stuck between his teeth whilst he absentmindedly stared at the board in front of the class. His teacher was busy discussing god-knows-what and his fangirls were trying so hard to catch his attention.

...Like he'd turn his head for them.

There was a debate currently going on in his head about whether or not he should tell Solar of your presence in school or wait for the latter to see you himself, freak out, possibly scold you, and argue about you either staying in the infirmary to rest or go home.

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