12 | Big Mistake

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There was nothing but silence in the tension that soared in the air. Not but the sound of a leaf falling from a tree could be heard.

The day was going perfectly and Zach of all people just had to show up.

Solar wasn't like it. From his perspective, Zach was here for only one purpose that would surely lead to one result: trouble.

And of all the days they had to meet, it had to be on a day when they were supposed to be having a break from all the stress.

Typically unlucky, if I do say so myself.

But Solar couldn't help but feel a vibe in the air; one that warned him of an even greater trouble.

Thus, even though he hardly cared about Zach's intentions, he watched him earnestly, choosing to stand in front of you out of his overly-protective-reflex.

You stand your ground, quite startled with the light elemental's defensive stance and had guessed that something wasn't right.

You could take care of yourself, no problem, but knowing Solar, he wouldn't argue about letting you go unshielded, not on his watch.

A glint of uneasiness settled upon the shadow manipulator as well and decided to speak up to cut the tention. "Thought you were suspended." Fang said, a rather calm expression laid on his face even through the uneasy feeling in his gut.

Blaze's hold on his chakrams got tighter. He didn't like Zach, never did. And if he was here just to mess with his brother once more, then the bull will show its horns.

Zach scoffs at Fang's retort. His reason for showing up was quite obvious anyway, due to his nonchalant stare at the lightning elemental. He recalls their fight at the cafeteria, not long later was he brought to the Principal's office.... The money Claudette paid him revealed and taken away.

So, he looked for the desperate girl and hired himself for another job. It was all just for the money and look at the trouble he's about to cause.

He snarls, angered by the memory, and turns to Fang, "I was suspended from school, not the public."

Fang hardly gave him a reaction. Solar on the other hand, was intrigued with his statement.

He smirks, almost as if to mock him, and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Not that much of a wise statement, if you ask me.

"What are you here for then? Wanna get your ass beaten up again?"

Zach's forehead creased as his brows furrowed, earning a wider, satisfied smirk from Solar, seeing his insult has made quite an impact.

"Asshole." he barked, taking huge strides towards you.

You don't cower away though, pretty much wanting to beat him up yourself as your knuckles turned white. All sorts of excitement building up in your body as he came closer. Glad I decided to wear my combat boots today.

"Dude what the hell do you want now? Did Claudette pay you again to look for Thunder, huh?!" Blaze yelled, fire burning in his eyes.

The male looks away, obliviously confirming the fire elemental's theory but he darts his eyes passed Solar.. To you.

Thunder blinks, dumbfounded as he watched him. What the hell does (Y/n) have to do with me? Surely, there was something else other than getting paid for a beating. If he's here to fight me then why stare at her?

Your eyes dart down to the hand that subconsciously blocked you protectively. Looks like Solar figured it out as well but he'd never let anyone harm you.

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