Pr•l•gue 0.5 | 6 | Hali

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A gentle breeze blew onto Thunder's face as the sunset lit his crimson eyes. You sent him your address and he was now only a few houses from yours.

He looked back at his power watch, rereading your address as he looked at the number of the houses he passed by.

37...38....39....40....That must be it.

He taps his watch, switching away the hologram that showed your message as he dashed to your door with his lightning speed. He disappeared in a red spark, reappearing in front of your door in a split second. He doesn't hesitate to ring the doorbell and stood there for only a few seconds before your figure appeared behind the door.

"Hey, glad you could make it!" you beamed at him and he almost blushes.

He averts his eyes immediately to recompose himself. "Yeah, your house wasn't as far as I thought." he says cocking his head to the side. You smile, stepping aside to let him.

"Well get in, unless you wanna get fried under the sun." you joked. Usually, Thunder would answer back rudely but he doesn't. He just shut his mouth and let himself in.

He looks around curiously, spotting your bag and books already set on the coffee table of your living room. The house wasn't so big nor was it too small... Just like his granddad's house.

He smiles at the thought, dropping his bag onto the couch and getting himself comfortable on the cushions.

"Anything you want? Maybe your granddad's iced chocolate?" you offered and he nods. "Yeah sure... Thanks."

You were shook, so to say. Earlier he was acting all grumpy then suddenly he's in your house with a small smile on his face.

Nonetheless, you got him an iced chocolate, with the blend you bought from Tok Aba's shop.

"Thanks..." he mumbled in earshot, you, nodding in return.

You keep a cautious eye on him, watching him from the corner of your eyes whilst you grabbed your math book.

The second you volunteered to be his partner, you anticipated that he'd have his usual rough behaviour with him... And yet he sat there on your couch looking as calm as ever.

Almost like he wasn't in a bad mood earlier.

You admired the patterns on his clothes... Lightning. The very thing that entertained you most was lightning and thunderstorms... And its persona was right in front of you, giving off that same vibe you get from them.

Thunder felt your gaze on him as he shifted on the couch a little. "You wanna start with it?" he asked, an arm supporting his head.

Your eyes landed on his cheek.. The faint hue of red and yellow coloring the skin. "Yep. Come sit here."

Thunder moves from the couch to sit opposite from you by the coffee table, grabbing his bag to pull out his own Math book.

"Here's your copy..." you passed him the paper and he doesn't even lift his head to take it from you. "Uhh, do you need help catching up with the last lesson?" you asked, ready to flip a page in your book if he says so.

Thunder hums, scanning his book and reading a bit of the previous lesson to test himself.

"Nah, I'm good."

Your brows rose at his response... He's kinda like Solar. You smiled.

Solar was practically your private teacher. He's as serious as Thunder... And Thunder's as calm as he is when studying... You were glad you spotted that similarity between them, suddenly feeling more comfortable with the lightning elemental.

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