1st ARC | 28 | Platonic Soulmates

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Welcome to the end of the Lights Out Arc!

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Welcome to the end of the Lights Out Arc!

Time to wake up our boii~

───── · • ❝ ••𝕊𝕊𝕂•• ❞ • · ─────

Smoke and dust were sent aloft from heavy footsteps.


But nothing was gonna stop you from running.
Not the thick crowds you had to squeeze through.
Not the blazing sun scorching on your skin.
Not the Zephyr wind pushing you back with every step you took.
Not the voice that told you to wait.

"Ugh! Ah- Sorry!!"

"(Y/n), slow down!!"

Slow down?

Slow down!?

To hell with that! You thought, mindlessly running towards the pedestrian lane with Thunderstorm hot on your tail.

Aish, that girl... The male mutters an apology to the woman you've just bumped into, "So sorry ma'am!", following straight away right behind you before she could've recognized him; yelling your name once more with a huff.

You've dragged him passed the metal gates, standing tall and rusted as the school's barricade, down the rough pavement to the nearest pedway.

Indifferent as you were, uncaring for the calls of the school guard, you've busied the lightning elemental with the task of texting his little brothers with the intention of gaining the location of the hospital holding Solar in its custody.

You've got it- Ice gave you the name of the building on demand of his older brother- and the next thing you knew, you were dashing down the streets towards that very hospital.


Red bloomed into yellow, morphing into a dazzling emerald, and rubber screeched upon the dried asphalt.


Shorter than a heartbeat had Thunderstorm gasping, broken and oh so strained with a touch of frantic agitation- "(Y-Y/n)!! -An ignition sparking about, his elemental capabilities drawing out a flash of crimson right before the civilians' eyes.


Count down the seconds- now too late to retaliate; time's halted to a stop thus the world no longer rotated.

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