14 | Trust Issues

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"You're staying home."

"What? No, I'm perfectly fine Solar!"

"No. Stay ho-"

"Solar I can go-"

"For the last time, (Y/n). No!"

Arguing with him so early in the morning was already making your headache return. So much for relieving your painful injury. But despite so, Ochobot did say you were in perfect condition to go to school, which you were grateful for.

Not that you actually enjoyed going to school as it was bound to make you suffer but damned grades were needed for a fucking job so... Screw it.

Annnd, as expected, your best friend was once again being paranoid.

He insisted for you to stay home. If not your house, then stay in theirs so Ochobot and their granddad could keep you company. You tried to talk with Quake, asking him to stop his brother from ordering you around; leading to Quake and Thunder trying to convince the light elemental that you were capable of attending school. Even Tok Aba got dragged into your predicament.

So... This is where you ended up standing, at his bedroom door where he prevented you from escaping.

Solar stood his ground, staring directly into your eyes under his cap. You can't help but simply glare back, unable to do anything at the moment. "I'm going." You say again, trying to push passed him but he grabs your shoulders with ease and stops you from leaving. 

"Dude move it!"

"You need to stay home and rest!"

"Ugh please Solar, I've dealt with worse waaayy before I met you. Who are you to tell me how to live my life!?" you argued, punching his chest whilst he raised his arms up in defense. "I'm not! I'm just looking out for you!" he argued back, in a softer way possible, as he always did avoid yelling at you.

Unbeknownst to the both of you, his brothers and their yellow powersphere were all listening in on your argument from the hallway, bags ready on the floor they waited. "Pfft. They're fighting like an old married couple." Blaze snorted as Ice rolled his eyes at him and pushed him off of his shoulder, shushing his troublesome brother.

With a grunt, you tore your gaze from him and laid on his bed, hugging his pillow. "Fine. Leave."

Solar was almost hurt with the tone you used. The hard expression on your face made it obvious that you were upset with his decision. Fucking great... Now she's mad at me. He merely stands at his doorway for a while, scratching his nape before he approached the bed.

He bites his cheek, sighing as he sat down beside you. You watch him pull off his visors, almost gasping at the sight of his ashen orbs. They were a truly beautiful hue and you almost forgot that you were angry.

"Hey, don't be like that, princess... I'm only concerned for your safety." he mumbled, turning away to stare at his wall. There was sadness in his voice as he added, "... I mean, it's my fault you got hurt."

You sit up immediately, aware that he was genuinely sincere with his words and afraid he may continue to blame himself. "Cahaya... Don't blame yourself for that. I wanted to fight."

He turns to you, eyeing the scratch on your temple. "I promised to secure your safety the second we became best friends... But you're such a bad girl that I can't stop you from getting into trouble." he choked out a laugh.

Just like you had told Thunderstorm, it was ironic. He wanted to protect you but you always came running after danger. A cunning and rather wreckless trait you've been trying to control lately.... And almost always failed to do so. I screwed up.. You scolded yourself.

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