Pr•l•gue 0.3 | 4 | Storm

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The rain was pouring endlessly outside the window. Lightning flashed in the sky and thunder echoed in the depths of the night.

Another sigh escaped your lips, but in more of a relieved way. The storms have been coming back and forth for the last few days and you wouldn't want it any other way.

You yawn, dropping your pen onto the table along with your head over your book. Ms. Nelson had assigned the class to find a pair and finish the latest assignment. Lucky you, Solar was in your Science class.

"Tired?" you slightly lifted your head from your book to see Solar smiling at you with his book in his hand as he leaned against the doorframe. "Wanna rest for a while? I'll get you some hot chocolate if you want."

You smiled at your best friend, nodding in anticipation as he left to fetch your drink. The assignment was taking so long to finish but the mood brought by the rain helped you calm down and relax.

Nothing more could be better than the soft thuds of raindrops against the window as you laid your head on the table.

Solar comes back in a jiffy, handing you a mug of hot chocolate as he took his seat next to you on the carpeted floor.

"Thanks Solar."

He hums, tired himself, but opted to pick up his pen again to return to work.

"More like thanks for letting me stay over for this assignment." he smiles at you and you return it, all the sleep suddenly taking over.

"Yah, we should get some sleep..." you yawned again, playfully poking his cheek then his orange glasses, "We still have a few more days till the deadline."

Solar nods in approval, dropping his pen almost too instantly as you said those words. He chuckles feeling your finger still poking him.

"Yeah, you're right.. Let's finish our drinks then head to bed." he pretends to bite your hand, making you retract it right away with a yelp. "Oi! No biting!"

He laughed at your sillyness as you grabbed your mug and stared at the fireplace burning the coal into ash to keep you warm.

Solar gets back at you, sticking his pens into your bun, making you complain yet again. "Yah! Aish, Solar I took 15 minutes on that bun!"

He laughs, ignoring your complaints. "Quit whining you baby, just pull them out."

You glare at him, watching him comfortably sip on his mug with a sly smirk on his lips. "What?"

You roll your eyes playfully and laid your head in his lap while pulling the pens out of your hair.

Once your mugs were empty, your head was back on the table, fast asleep with Solar right beside you, his cap and glasses resting on his bag.

(it's literally 2:06 am right now while I'm typing)

"-Then, as long as the temperature is set right, for sure the liquid particles will freeze just enough to- Yah! (Y/n), are you even listening to me?"

Solar squinted his eyes at you just as you began dozing off beside him. Like your usual routine, you were reviewing with him in the library so early in the morning incase Mr. Nelson gave out a surprise quiz.

But you yawn, a little startled. You were up really late last night after all, trying to finish the assignment with him and needed more sleep.

"Sorry... I'm still sleepy." you rubbed your eyes, trying to wake yourself up and drive away the sleepiness.

Solar on the other hand just smiled fondly at you and let go of his book. "It's alright. We can skip today's review if you want. There's no use studying if you can't focus."

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