1st ARC | 25 BONUS | A Couch, TV, & Netflix

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"I'm still not sleepy, Hali."

"What the hell do you wanna do then?"

"Dunno... You tell me."

"... You got Netflix?"

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The night passed like a short second slowed into a ticking hourglass. As the skies were clear of clouds and the asphalt moist from rain, calm was the lightning elemental's aura so.

Netflix... Chill... Two silhouettes have cuddled up in a warm fluffy blanket on the couch; the tv, left but as a lulling background noise.

Oh but though the skies were asleep, Thunderstorm was wide awake. For the last hour or so, he's failed to simply shut his eyes and have some rest; awakened by an eeriness of an unknown feeling building up in his guts. It's kept him awake for so long, wondering just what could be his problem now.

Perhaps it was the lack of assurance that his family was doing alright?

Yes, that must be it.

But who was he going to contact so late this evening? Call Quake and he'd go mother mode, yelling in his ear, bombarding him with tons of unanswered questions. Bothering their grandfather might not do the old man a steady blood pressure either. The Trouble Trio wouldn't do him any good... Probably tweak his nerves with so many questions and end up spilling to their eldest. Solar? No, just no. The guy needs rest and he probably wouldn't even have the capability to comprehend anything he'll say over the phone. And that leads to only one person left.

Ice wouldn't be that loud about it, would he? His eyes drifted off to his power watch, hesitating whether or not should he continue with his initial plan. The polar bear might be hibernating already, if he didn't know better. It's worth a shot...

Ais it was.

Airplane mode was disabled and the second he got his signal back, his notifications went pinging with an endless list of missed calls and unread text messages from multiple people. They've tried contacting him in every social media platform he had! Instagram, messenger, twitter, you name it.

Though guilty as he was for worrying them, he mostly ignored the messages, deciding he could go scrolling his notifications after contacting the ice elemental.

Blue lit his face, making him squint and he glances at the girl huddled up on his chest, hoping the brightness of the digital layout wouldn't bother you awake.

To his surprise, Ice answered his call just seconds after it started ringing. It had him wondering then, Was he awake this whole time?

He couldn't be too sure, for all he knew was that the younger should've been asleep by now, cuddled up in bed with his whale plushie, Wave.

Not another second passed and Ice's face appeared on his screen, "Hali!?! Where have you been!!?", a rare look of concern and uncertainty painting his expression whilst he struggled to whisper on his end. And judging from his background... "You guys still awake...?" Thunder had assumed, observing the younger's expression as he scratched an eye.

Bloody yes, Ice thought. "What does it look like!?" He held back a yell. "We've been up all night looking for you and (Y/n)!"

Of course. What was he even expecting in a situation like this?

"And why did you turn your watch and phone off? Everyone's been trying to reach you!"

Ice was desperate for an answer, he could see that much. And yet he ignored him, more concerned about their grandfather.

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