2nd ARC | 39 | Beauty Of A Storm

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2 months... I'm so sorry it took so long ㅠㅠ

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A fist knocks on Solar's chest, the latter's voice all muffled from choking as he exclaims, "Y-you - " he coughs, the eldest twin's hand patting on his back with a slight frown tugging on his lips. " - You got soaked in the rain!?!?"

Bloody lord here we go again - "You could get sick! Again, Y/n!!"

It was quite the possibility, yes, however, you had a nice bath so rest assured, "I'm fine Solar!" You dragged your tongue, eyes landing on the earth elemental's as a silent plead for help.

Upon descending the staircase, Taufan escorted you to their dining hall and offered you a seat right next to the light elemental, who of course, had to question the shirt too oversized on your figure to be your own.

Anyone from the family immediately knew that only one twin among the seven would own a shirt such as this; dyed in black, branded with H&M, sized in XXL, and customized with a pattern that resembled lightning.

A too obvious match, I'd say.

To which as though Solar himself has declared that he is willing to support his older brother to win your heart - not like Thunder hasn't already - he was driven with suspicion at the sight of his best friend clad in another boy's clothes.

- Leaving you no choice but to explain that the rain came pouring cats and dogs and Thunderstorm was with you the whole way home.

And, well... "I thought I told you to call me if something happens!!" He was being the overprotective - self - proclaimed - brother he was to you... Again.

The brothers deadpanned, their eldest utterly disappointed Cahaya had to start a scene right in the middle of supper.

"Calm down now Solar." Tok Aba stands by the said boy, the hand on his shoulder suddenly twisting his ear. "E-eh? Ouch! G-granddad??"

"Don't fuss about it in front of your food!" The elder scolded, "She's fine now, isn't she? Let her have dinner at least."

"I know but Granddad -"
"Aish shut it with your yapping!"

A way to welcome you for supper, truly.

"Just be glad your brother was there to take care of her." Tok Aba says, gesturing for you to ignore his nagger-of-a-grandson.

"Oh he better be glad he was there - AGH!"
"What was that? Are you talking back??" and there's goes the ear twist - "N-no atok! I-I said you're right!"

The brothers fell into a break of laughter watching the scene before them. The well known genius was actually getting scolded, goodness!

...But you couldn't bring yourself to pull on a simple smile.

Shit, shit, shit... You palms were clammy, shoulders pointed, and lips quivering as the thought came crossing your mind for the millionth time today and you grimaced at the memory.

I'm glad he was there... You chewed on the inside of your cheek.

Had Thunder not decided to trail behind you... How mad would Solar have been then? How would things have ended? Would you have woken up in a hospital or somewhere you don't recognize?

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