30 PT 2 | Crazy Jazzy Mornings

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"God finally! Thank you Solar!!"

You couldn't fight the exaggeration in your voice, now utterly relieved that you finally understood your latest Math lesson.

Solar chuckles, "That's nothing, princess. Although I did assume that you were having no problem with it... Before you came asking me to help you."

"Two days. Two days, Cahaya! All wasted just learning the basics of that shit." truthfully, your latest Math lesson had been a pain, the difficulty level suddenly jumping from thirty to a freaking hundred percent in a blink.

Two days, and you've overworked your brain trying to understand it on your own and clearly, you've failed.

You sigh, laying your head on the table whilst Solar leaned against his fist just watching you.

"Well..." you say, contemplating on whether or not to reveal to him your thoughts.

And you literally just said screw it.

"Thunder offered to help me... I accepted and he taught me the basics... then I said I could do the rest on my own..."

That was such a lie... You grimaced, too late to realise that fact now that Solar has finished tutoring you.

The male quirks a brow up in thought, his curiosity eating him up as he asked, "But...?", now slumped against his seat with his visors resting in his hands.

You take it he was prying the answers out of you. And that took no less than a second for you to reply with, "I lied. I fucking lied... I spent a whole day trying to figure it out but my brain just wouldn't cooperate!"

Solar furrows his brows, a new question coming to mind as he listened to your complaints skeptically.

He wonders, "Then why didn't you just ask him for help again?", quite sure you had enough guts to show your vulnerability without feeling ashamed of yourself. And yet that was exactly it.

You point at him with a pen, eyes angry with the memory as he anticipated your answer. "It would've been so embarrassing! I-It's like I was taking advantage of his cleverness and kindness... I didn't want him to think of me as that kind of person Solar!"

Well it might've seemed that way... He nodded to himself, somewhat agreeing. But no one would perceive it that way if they had a decent brain to think with.

And his brother was decent enough. Especially since he likes you.

And here a new question enters... Why would she care what he thought? But he keeps it to himself, the question going unnoticed as he sighed.

"I don't think he'd mind." you raise a brow at him, watching his finger tap on his cheek thoughtfully. But you deny it so, scoffing as a retort.

"Right. And I disagree. Greatly."

You make it clear, emphasizing your terms as you carefully pulled out Solar's pens from your bun. He'd think I'm one of those thirsty bitches trying to attach myself to him.

Before you could even stop yourself, you blurted out your next thoughts with a scowl. "I mean, doesn't he hate girls?"

Solar shrugs, not even bothering with the expression on your face, "He does... Well not all of them." there was a different done in his voice and yet you were currently preoccupied with your task and thoughts to have noticed that he was trying to say a hidden message.

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