13 | Cuts And Bandages

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"I know, I know! I'm coming!"

Ice shuffled through his brothers, pushing them aside as he sat himself next to you. "Here, (Y/n)." You feel the cold ice pack behind your head as its very persona held it in place for you.

"Thanks, Ice." you smiled at him. His cyan orbs shining so brightly as he returned the gesture.

"Y-you're alright... R-right?"

Solar stammered, reaching for your hand and clasping it in both of his. "I'm fine, Solar. Stop worrying... Look at yourself, you look like Adu Du beat you up with his electric spatula."

In an attempt to at least make him laugh, you cracked jokes here and there to stop him from worrying... It didn't really work out.

Turns out, there wasn't anything too major about your head... Ochobot took the duty of becoming your doctor and gave you a retinal scan. All he found was a mild concussion, which explained the extreme dizziness you experienced after the blow.

"Eesh! Stop joking around, (Y/n). I was really worried!" he exclaimed, scolding you as he sighed. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at him. Sure, there was a mild concussion on your head, but according to Ochobot, nothing else was gonna happen and the pain will go away after a good rest.

In a way, your overly-dramatic bff had nothing to worry about.

"Boboiboy she's fine." A gentle smile was plastered on Tok Aba's lips as he approached his grandson who stood by your side of the bed, suddenly coming into Solar's room to check on you... Where the male insisted for you to rest, as per usual.

"Ochobot said she just needs some rest... You don't even look that good, yourself. You have scratches and bruises everywhere!"

"I'm fine, Tok." Solar sighed as his grandfather gently pulled him about, checking his face and body for any major injuries. Said male resisted, wanting to stay by your side til he was sure you were really alright.

"Mhmm... Come on, let's get Yaya to clean you up. Ice, I need you back at the stall to help your older brother." were his following orders.

"Ok, atok! Here, (Y/n), hold this." You thank Ice and the boy stands to leave the bedside, patting your head with a smile. "No problem, (Y/n)."

Solar sighs for the nth time. The thought of leaving you alone was making him suffocate. Of course he wouldn't dare disobey Tok Aba, afraid of recieving an ear twist later on, but he just couldn't leave you.

He swore the second you became his best friend, that he'd protect you, make sure no harm came your way.... He felt like a failure.

He looks passed his golden visors, hoping you'd convince Tok Aba to make him stay... Not that you needed it.

"Just go." You pushed his arm, "I'll just be resting here, don't worry." I'm not gonna die you lamp....

He anxiously bit the inside of his cheek, debating whether or not to actually leave you. His foot was impatiently tapping against the cold floor, a finger scratching under his chin, eyes obviously lost, deep in thought.

....And he sighs, shaking his head as if he were disappointed, and leaned down to kiss your forehead. He caresses your hair, ever so gently as to avoid causing you more pain by accident, "Fine, fine just... You stay... Put. I-I'll be right back after..."

You giggle, finding his puffed cheeks kinda cute.

You nod and settled yourself comfily on the bed whilst the light elemental finally left the room.

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