3rd ARC | 40 | Nostalgia

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"Nostalgia | Hate That I Love You"
The 3rd ARC

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No matter the size of the object, the mass in its weight, everything was sent flying; shattered to pieces with a beam of light. Copper and metal clashed, thundering roars raging from the skies as hurricanes swallowed everything in its path.

The ground split, glacial mountains erupting from the depths of the earth as infernos prevented escape from the only possible exits in the area. Tight of a death grip, thorns sprouted to prickle at the sensitive skin of the alien and scraped on the metal hood of the robotic destroyer.

"Damn it." FrostFire scoffed, wiping the sweat off his forehead, "Did you really have to give me that kinda exercise?"

To say it was fun would be an insult to the fusion - who had been damn tired trying to corner the alien's path before they escaped again.. Not to mention he wasn't the only one about to explode from anger -

"What exactly did you do huh, Adu Du?" Venom and malice laced the elder's tone, fist swift to grasp ahold of the alien's collar as a crackling of electrokinetic currents emitted beneath his cerise irises.

"Hah! It's long overdue by now, Halilintar!" Adu Du mocked - amidst choking to death, "FrostFire's powers will soon dry out before you get the answers out of me - ACK!!" And to his doom he was met by a boulder thrown their way just in time for Thunderstorm to jump back aside their eldest - a tick mark quite all too evident on his temple accompanied by that menacing grin screaming for answers and vengeance.

"Hayaa..." Solar facepalmed, resorting to pinching the bridge of his nose as a mere sense of comfort that ought to suffice for his headache. "And to think that new ship of yours provided an actual working cloaking sensor that dared to hinder my research on your whereabouts - How taxing."

Ah yes - the situation truly pissed the light elemental off, needing to go the extra mile for a few nights just tracking down their current location... And yet he finds out they had been residing, still, in the wastelands that stored the city's rubbish.

How unsightly to be in such a place -

"Alright buddy spill the beans," Cyclone fumed, threatening to hurl a hurricane right in the alien's face. "- Tell us already man, we got homework to do!"

Oh it merely made Adu Du chortle, "Ha! What heroes you are, struggling even with simple paperwork!" - Gutsy even to mock him openly even after being plummeted on by a rock comparable to the size of a meteor. Now Gempa does not approve of this.

Oh what nostalgia.

The same as always, no?

Adu Du would cause trouble, the siblings and the gang gather to beat him and his robotic companion, then they'd loose and swear upon the gods to return with a plan more treacherous than the last - only to repeat the process itself in the last few years since the aliens first came to Earth in search of the most powerful cocoa.

And of course, with the occasional scenario of both parties needing to back each other up against forces stronger than their own that it left no choice but to bargain with the fact that later on one certain group of the two will be betraying the other right under their noses.

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