1st ARC | 18 | Tears & Deceit

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Guys.... Warning.....



"What in the goddamn world are you doing here!?"

There was a perilous glint in his eyes, one fueled by rage and it doesn't go unnoticed by you or any of his brothers.

"Cahaya, relax. I'm perfectly fine." You've stood up from your seat, grasping his shoulders in an attempt to calm him down.

But the male heaves, fingers tightly wrapping around your forearms as his anger started to boil to his brim.

If things can actually get worse, one of them just had to make it happen.

"She ran from home."

Traitor. You give Thunder a menacing glare, afraid Solar may not take it too lightly but he only raised a brow, acting innocent as he sat back to watch the drama unfold.

However, you've thought right as it wasn't as funny is Solar's ears.

"And what? None of you were planning on telling me??! I can tell, atleast half of you knew she was here!!"

You flinch at his outburst, as well does Thunderstorm. He doesn't understand his reaction at all. It was just a little joke that he should've been able to dodge without so much as loosing his cool... So why yell?

Apart from this, the polar twins were specifically struck with Solar's outrage, having been the first of the brothers to see you in school.

Despite so, Ice was unfazed, nowhere near confounded from his accusation. Blaze, too, was unbothered, still busy chugging his pill down his throat.

"And you." he grit his teeth upon facing you, "Did you really think you'd get away with this? Just because your hair isn't in a bun, doesn't mean I wouldn't recognize you, (Y/n)!"

You sigh, shaking your head at his tone. How unbelievable. "Ugh, Solar, how many times must I say this? I'm fine!"

As if he didn't even hear you speak, he raised his voice yet again, becoming the arrogant version of himself all of a sudden.

"Didn't I tell you to stay put?! At home!" he argued.
And you retorted, "Didn't I tell you I'm alright!?"
"You never listen to me!"
"Solar I'm a grown-ass girl! I know how to take care of myself!"
"That's out of the question! It's my job to make sure you're safe!"
"It was only a bloody headache!!"

You threw explanations and he spat out reasons to scold you, never once missing a beat as your argument started gathering attention from around the cafeteria.

Amidst the endless saga, Thorn was slowly shrinking in his seat. All the yelling was making him uncomfortable and, if worse, he even felt like crying just listening. Blaze shushes him, not quite sure what to do to comfort the younger, patting his back and telling him to look away instead.

Thunder has had it. His dear brother was once again thinking so highly of himself for no necessary reason, believing he is right and no matter what you say, you were wrong.


He abruptly stood up, his hand shaking the table upon smacking it. Quake gasps, already aware that he he might end up infuriating the other further.

Thankfully, you knew of this and tried to stop him. "Hali. Don't." you warned, shaking your head at him but he doesn't listen.

"Solar, stop it. She's fine." he says, placing a firm grip on his twin's wrist. Solar glares at him from his visors, ripping apart from you to bring the argument to his brother.

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