Pr•l•gue 0.1 | 2 | Hot Topic

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Chatters quickly filled the hallways of the school as students spent most of their early freetime carelessly wandering around. The morning was quite humid due to last night's thunderstorm and the news had broadcasted about today being somewhere around a rainy day and a cloudy day. You yourself were busy chatting with Solar, who had his nose stuck in another one of his books.

You had found him in the school library, sitting by the table with books piled up before him. He and his brothers were usually at school quite early so they can have time for themselves without being disturbed by their 'fans'. And Solar happened to become bored at some point so he made sure you stuck around him to kill his boredom.

"-And the red lightning was so beautiful! I've never seen anything like it before! I've seen different colors of lightning in photographs but seeing it for real just hits different!"

You rambled, walking alongside him whilst talking about the storm you watched outside of your window from last night. Solar knew of your fascination with thunderstorms and lightning and often asked you why exactly it seemed that much of an interest, only for you to tell him you simply didn't know either but enjoyed the view anyway.

"Well I did hear there will be more thunderstorms today. Might wanna watch out for that." your eyes glinted with excitement, it was almost like watching your favorite movie replay over and over again.

Solar chuckled and closed his book, tucking it into his bag as he faced you. "Seriously (Y/n), what's so interesting about them?"

You sighed and lifted a brow. "I told you, I don't know." you said, dragging the 'o' syllable at the tip of your tongue.

Solar sighs in return and tilts his head to the side. He had anticipated your answer to be the same as always, and he was right. "I swear, the first time I found out about that I really thought you were just into my brother."

"Ugh, that again with me liking your brother, I don't. Even. Know. Him!" you exclaimed, perplexed your best friend still thought about that even after knowing you for the last year.

"Just saying" he shrugged, making you punch his shoulder as he laughed.

Yes, you loved thunderstorms and lightning but you most certainly didn't see Solar's brother that way. Solar had once thought you liked his brother, causing your interest in thunderstorms. But no, you loved the storms way before you met the septuplets.

Boboiboy Thunderstorm. You remember meeting him for the first time last year while hanging out with Solar and Thorn. His cap covered his face and he looked so cold. His eyes glowed in the most beautiful hue of red, it was truly mesmerizing to look at. The patterns on his clothes also caught your attention, how they precisely resembled lightning.

You've met him a few times, here and there, but you never got to know him like you knew Solar.

"You've talked, though, right?" he insisted, quite sure you knew him a little to at least call him a friend.

"Eh..." you shrugged. "Could be worse. We're classmates most of the time but we barely talk. The other girls are more interested in that anyway."

"Aish..." Solar rubbed the bridge of his nose at your response. Of course his dear brother was surrounded by girls. He was such a bad boy it sparked a liking in every females' eyes. Not yours though, looks were only a part of your standard in males. The attitude was always first.

"It's the same with you too right? I saw you last week rejecting two girls. It's not even surprising." Solar deadpans at your blunt admission. "It's been really annoying, actually. I can't even get a normal female friend like you or Yaya and Ying." he sighed, the tone of disappointment in his voice was crystal clear.

"Welp, that's what you get for being popular." you faked a smile at him but he returns it. "Aren't YOU in the same situation? Last I heard, you rejected that hotshot Ryan."

You cringed at the mention of the memory. "Ugh, don't even mention that. I'm not looking for a relationship and most of the guys here aren't even close to my ideal type."

Solar laughs at your statement but you paid him no mind. "Wow, glad I'm even your friend, for goodness' sake! Hahaha!"

Of course, as a young lady of high standards, how you judged men weren't simply based on looks or if he was kind enough. You had to feel a spark with that person but every time you get confessions, all you felt was cringiness and an awkward atmosphere.

"Yeah you better be glad you book worm! How are you even the most powerful one of your brothers but aren't giving much of a 'bad boy' vibe like Thunder does?"

That part somewhat confused you. The most powerful of the septuplets' hobby was locking himself in a lab or sitting in the library reading a random book. How odd, you thought.

"That's not my fault." He clarified. "And look where our conversation has taken us. Back to my dear brother again. You really do like him don't y-! Ya!"

"Ok shut up about that we're gonna be late for class!" with a tug, Solar's wrist was trapped in your hand as you began to pull him away and cut off his sentence.

Mr. Popular was always a hot topic between you and you never actually enjoyed it. Solar's persistent nagging about you being onto his brother was also another reason for you to be irritated, furthermore just making the light elemental shut up before he could say anything else.

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