1st ARC | 22 | Mama Quake

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If Air was older than Tanah, I personally think he'd love playing with him and even leave bed for once UwU


You could never mistake the meaning of that forehead crease on Tok Aba's face. Even his voice has risen up to stricter tones as his brows furrowed in anger, concern, and anxiety all at once.

The eldest of the septuplets was silent in front of the old man, head hung low with his lips pursed as he stared at the ground, fingers tangled together.

"Why did you let him leave!?!" Quake flinched at Tok Aba's accusation, but he doesn't move a muscle nor does he talk back.

He hasn't even uttered a word, not one and simply allowed his grandfather to lecture him about the disappearance of their dear brother who left in search for (Y/n).

His remaining twins have settled themselves in the main room, busy causing distractions so as to drive their friends' attention away from the raging voice faintly echoing from their kitchen.

However, amidst all the amassed effort, Fang didn't fail to miss it.

The little excuse to speak with their granddad privately came out suspicious to the shadow manipulator, as Quake's expression was but of wariness along with the incessant scolding his ears clearly picked up from the connecting room.

"Oh my grandson!... What if something happens to him..?" Tok Aba exclaimed, reaching for his forehead in an attempt to massage his temples and drive away the incoming headache.

Quake lifted his head at this, reflexively landing his hands on his grandfather's arms to guide him to one of the chairs.

His atok's tone has changed. It's gone a lot softer, more of his concern becoming more evident and Quake doesn't hesitate to provide him comfort.

"A-atok! Please, try to relax a bit..." he pleaded, worried for the elder's blood pressure.

He cared not that he was being held responsible for his brother vanishing out of thin air, not when he had to tend to the old man and care for his siblings as well.

He was tired, knackered to the bone and as hungry as a dog, utterly distressed it's incredibly surprising he hasn't lost his shit yet.

Why, how else do you think he's coped up with the recent occurrences without so much as becoming the second twin to lose his sanity?

He was the eldest and he's taken it upon himself to ensure that his brothers and grandfather faced no problems on their own.

... Then again it was beginning to take a toll on him quite disappointingly quickly.

Immediately after Thunderstorm left the house, the earth elemental commanded a search party before they completely lost track of his brother.

Unfortunately, by the time they've gathered and were ready to leave, he was long gone before they could even turn their heads around the neighbourhood.

That night, oh that sad unfortunate night, their granddad came home after closing the shop, only to find out that their second eldest was out of sight, probably already catching a cold out in the rain, who knows where, in search of (Y/n) and that the light elemental locked himself up in that trashed and godforsaken room of his, and had most-likely, completely lost every ounce of hope by now.

Quake hurried off to grab a glass of water for the old man, taking the seat beside him to await any further.... Scolding perhaps?

He didn't really know what to expect anymore, considering he's lost every idea regarding the possible whereabouts of you and Thunder and ways to help Solar regain his self-esteem.

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