17 | Reminiscent

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The bell rang, sending a highly irritating echo throughout the entire building and the students stampeded out of their classrooms, yelling profanities and schreeches of hunger.

Officially done with his own classmates, Solar heaved a sigh, huffing about as he stood from his seat to pack his things. Not only was he drained from using his brain, he was also very much hungry.

His bag was filled with his books and notebooks, thick and thin, and the bagstrap was already slung over his shoulder when squeals and giggles caught his attention. "Hi Sola~r!"

Said male subtly turned his head, silvern eyes landing on three girls who called his name.

It was his fans.

"Yes?" Solar turned his whole body, showing his attention and that single word alone made their squeals louder, batting their fakeass lashes as the light elemental cringed at their heart eyes.

He forced a smile onto his face, already itching to leave the classroom for lunch.

One of the girls was first to approach him, fishing out her phone from her bag and Solar already knew what they wanted from him.

"Is it alright if we take a selfie with you?"

Same old, same old... He tutted, mentally sighing. "Sure." but he just smiles, nodding with his signature smirk. "But let's make it quick, shall we."

Odd you may think.

Of course, he was exhausted being one of the elemental septuplets' most popular twin, but he was still very much narcissistic for his own good.

Unlike his brothers, he was quite responsive to his fans, be it through a simple reply to one of their comments on his IG posts, or a random selfie when they bump into him.

The popular life, as you had emphasized to him some time before. All the attention sure was great but your privacy was the price to pay.

He accepts gifts, cards, allows pictures, sure. But he rejects confessions, much like how Thunderstorm does. His fans deemed him a playboy for his way of response but he'd give any day all because he simply never cared in the first place. It was all just fan service, nothing more than a rotten old payment due for his fame.

They were all just the same in his eyes, hungry for popularity, with a sprinkle of greed for riches, only aiming to get to him and his brothers so they could brag to their friends.

Nevertheless, Solar dropped his bag momentarily and leaned against his desk to lower his height, the girls taking it as his invite for the selfie.

The former spokesperson of the three was already busy preparing her phone, pressing the shutter thrice just as Solar strikes a V sign.

With a satisfied grin, the girls thank him and he was finally out of the classroom, bidding them farewell as he slung his bag over his shoulder.

Finally over!... He sighed, cracking the joints of his neck as he made his way to his locker, chucking his whole bag into the metal confinement whilst taking a mental note to retrieve it after lunch.

"Wish (Y/n) was here..." he muttered. "I could use a little bit of a massage right now."

He was exhausted from these previous three subjects. His brain was overworked, brainstorming so early first thing in the morning and his fans had apparently gathered more guts than usual to approach him, seeing the Queen a.k.a you, weren't around the light elemental.

He groans, pushing passed the cafeteria doors only to feel countless pairs of eyes landing on his figure. More of his fans... Great. Solar recomposes himself, sparing not one thought about them as he made his way to their usual lunch table. I mean, come on, food was currently more interesting to him at the moment.

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