10 | The Real Meal

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You know that feeling when you don't wanna leave bed cuz it's just too comfy? That's how you felt in that beautiful morning, wrapped in Solar's arms while you cuddled under his blanket.

The sunlight lit the entirety of the bedroom and birds could be heard singing their morning song outside Solar's window.

Last night's thunderstorm was long gone and the sun was out, shining ever so brightly as a new day began.

You hum in the comfortable embrace, snuggling your face closer to Solar's chest as you mumbled a muffled "Morning Solar..."

He groans, replying instantly, "Morning princess..."

You giggle at his sleepy face, poking his nose to wake him up. He stirs, cracking an eye open to smile at you....

He's still sleepy... You thought. I mean how wouldn't he be? He was up and awake til 4 am just to finish his English essay while you helplessly fell asleep.

Oh but how the morning has rewarded you to find out he cuddled you all night. Your usual mornings were so boring, having to wake up alone in your house and waiting til you get to school to see Solar and his brothers. Today was an exception and you wanted to make sure you enjoy every second of it.

Oh how perfect...

.... Til his bedroom door was slammed open and a body began crushing him.


"Eesh! Why are you shouting so early in the morning Daun!!!?"

Solar scrunched his nose as he covered his ears, looking annoyed as ever as his younger brother locked his arms around his body like a koala. You on the other hand, were unharmed and already sitting up on his bed, just merely watching Thorn crush his brother.

"Lol, good morning Daun!" you smiled sweetly at the boy who grinned just as wide as his eyes sparkled.

"Hehe, sorry Solar. I got excited when I remembered (Y/n) slept over." he nervously laughed, scratching the back of his head like the child he was.

You giggle, laughing out loud as you watched your best friend suffocate in Daun's embrace.

"Oh and Gempa told me to wake you guys up. He cooked breakfast!" He chirped as you began stretching, yawning as you left the bed and fixed your clothes....or let's just say, the clothes Solar let you borrow.

Solar chokes, trying to get his younger brother to let go of him but his embrace only got tighter regardless of his efforts. "D-Daun-!...I-I can't-... (Y/n) - h-help me!" he called, making you turn around just as you finished your bun.

But instead of rushing over to help him, you awed at the siblings and stood in place. Thorn was always quite clingy with his brothers, that you knew; especially Solar and you often envied their interactions.

The two were very close so although the light elemental was usually busy in the lab, reading a book, or hanging out with you, he always found time to let Thorn bond with him. Even if it meant letting him into his lab and breaking a few tubes filled with chemicals that could possibly cause an explosion.

You laughed evilly at your dearest best friend and gave him a small wave. His eyes visibly widened as he realized you were gonna leave. He opens his mouth and tries to retort but you beat him to it.

"Daun thanks for waking us. I'll see you guys at the kitchen!"

"Wha- (Y/n) come back!!.... Daun I can't b-breathe! Oi! (y/n), are you really gonna leave your handsome best friend to suffocate like this!?"

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