1st ARC | 27 | Thicker Than Water

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A faint hue of red, orange, and yellow painted the skies as the sun gleamed over the horizon, marking the start of a new day to replenish the dawn. Birds were chirping, the atmosphere was blooming...

My, what were the odds of a perfect morning...

... When unknown events have crawled about the abyss from the previous night; a devastation that's awoken the entire household of the elemental siblings with a life-threatening nightmare come to reality.

A groan escapes the lightning elemental's throat, an eye cracking open for him to question his surroundings. For the most, the place seemed familiar enough for him to instantly recall his current whereabouts; he had stayed the night at your house. His bones crackled as he began to stretch on the couch, releasing a satisfied sigh upon finding your form still against him; fast asleep with your arms loosely locked around his torso.

You looked so peaceful, unlike how he found you crying alone in that booth yesterday.

Smiling from last night's memories, the male gingerly pulls on a strand of your hair, carefully tucking it behind your ear as he whispers a groggy "Morning, (Y/n)."

Almost like a response, he earned a hum from you, watching silently with a grin as you snuggled up further on his chest, getting yourself a hundred percent comfy - too comfy, in fact, that Hali hesitated to stand up.

Right then, his curiosity of the time got him tilting his wrist to peek at the digital screen of his power band. "6:14am..." It read. It wasn't that bad a timing really, he usually woke up earlier, yes, but let's just say he felt too laidback against your body.

Well, I suppose he could spare a few more minutes? School starts at 8 anyway-

Wait... Will she come to school..? After all that shit...?

Suddenly, he wasn't so sure- Not like he can force you to attend school if you didn't want to. You've been through enough for one day... Facing his brother would be a pain and an unearthly struggle for you, he knew. Perhaps there was something else he could do?

He sighs, deciding against it; planning to ask you later instead of forcing you against your will once you've awoken. Who knows, the circuits in your head might even malfunction with the mere thought of it. And obviously, Thunder wasn't risking it.

Another frown tugged on his lips as his fingers carefully combed through your hair. He wonders... Will this day end well? Yesterday was too much- surely, they needn't worry about anything else...

... Right?

Thunder sighed, pulling out his phone to message Ice. ".. I hope so."


"Ehh?!" Ochobot's circuits seemed to have been fried. "What do you mean he's not going to school!?"

"He's not coming to school." Ice repeated, barely rephrasing his last statement; pressing on the power button of his phone behind his back to hide the contents of its screen. "We should call atok and tell him and Gempa about it." He added curtly, wanting to dismiss the topic.

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