Pr•l•gue 0.4 | 5 | Killjoy

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The scene from the cafeteria just wouldn't leave your head and even as Mr. Papa was busy discussing up front, all you thought of was how badly you wanted to punch Zach yourself.

Then again... It was weird. No one ever dares to stand up to Thunderstorm, let alone engage in a fight with him. So why?

You thought about what Quake said earlier; about Claudette paying Zach to beat him up... Still, it made no sense.. Was she that mad? You thought. Even so, Thunder would've usually just ignored Zach.

A voice interupts your thoughts and you lift your head from your book. "Okay. Pick a partner my students of Justice!"

You raise a brow, wondering for how long have you been spacing out. "Hey, what's going on? I wasn't really listening." You whispered to a seatmate. "Mr. Papa is handing out a new assignment. Said we should choose a partner for it and pass by him to pick up a copy before we leave."

You smile, uttering a thanks to her and began packing up. Math class was over already and you barely noticed.

You glance around, looking for a classmate without a pair. There were a few of them left... Some were even barely your friends or anyone you talk to.

Wait... How about him? Thunder suddenly pops into your train of thought as you bit your lip. He's in the clinic and doesn't know about the new homework... And he doesn't have a pair either...

You nod to yourself, swinging your bag over your shoulder and fixing your Balenciaga jacket.

Mr. Papa gave the pairs their copies... But you decided to stand last in line, a certain idea popping in your head.

"Ah, miss (Y/n). Here you- Eh? Where is your partner dear young one?" Mr. Papa asks, turning his head to see if anyone else was left but there was no one but you.

You smile, gripping on your bag's strap a little tighter. "Mr. Papa, Thunderstorm isn't present and I have no one else to pair up with so I'd like to pair up with him... I'll inform him about the new assignment and show him the copy."

Mr. Papa blinks, rather surprised with your bravery. He knew the lightning elemental well enough to say, "Eh? Are you really gonna be alright with that short-tempered kid?"

You giggle but nodded anyway. "Oh what a brave soul!" He applauded, handing you the copies. "That boy sure is lucky someone still volunteers to be his partner. Well, while you're still here, miss (Y/n)... How is my disciple of Justice doing?" he inquired, now relaxing against his chair.

"I don't really know, Mr. Papa. I'm hoping he's just fine... His brothers took him to the clinic right after the fight." you whispered, afraid someone may hear your conversation and gossip about the lightning elemental again.

"Hmm, Justice hopes his disciple is okay. He is strong anyway so he must be alright... Run along little missy. Finish the assignment on time okay?"

You nod with a smile at Mr. Papa, waving as you reached for the doorknob. How brave truly, but you wondered what Thunder's reaction will be once he-

"You volunteered to be my pair?"

You turn away from the door, coming face to face with the very guy in your head. "Thunderstorm! Y-you're here..!" you uttered, flustered with the close proximity between you two. Thunder, however, didn't seem as fazed and he simply stared at you wanting an explanation.

You recompose yourself, casually crossing your arms and waving the copies of the assignment in front of his face.

"Well duh, you and I are the only ones left without a partner. Besides, no one in our class is decent enough to be my partner." You sassed.

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