2nd ARC | 33 | FrostFire

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Yeah, I'm alive!

And it's been what... Three weeks at the most? Sorry about that my honeys, but it was PETA's finals week and believe me when I tell you this, I had absolutely little to no time at all to write even my drafts. My updating time of 12 am each night ended up with me falling asleep in the middle of writing... I've been too tired I couldn't stay awake like I usually do.

Hell week is, by far, almost over and I'll be able to update quicker again.

Sorry for the wait!

Anyway without further adue...

The first chapter of the our next journey:

"FrostFire | Beauty of a Storm"
The 2nd ARC

───── · • ❝ ••𝕊𝕊𝕂•• ❞ • · ─────

".... FrostFire?"

This must be a dream...

You've heard of the myth- the legend of three superior beings come to life who brought about victory in battle against the so-called elemental master.

You were familiar with it, to sum things up - How fire and ice became one as anger boiled in their veins, followed by earth and ice, til the finishing blow was delivered by the most powerful combo yet.

Still though, to witness his appearance firsthand like this, "No fucking way..."

Oh it was quite the charm, ain't it?

Adu Du swallows a throaty gulp, trembling at the presence of the elemental fusion before them; a smug look painted all over FrostFire's face.

"W-why..." Probe hears him mutter, "Why did he have to appear now!?"

Of course, it was more than simple shock to the aliens. They came here armed with a mere prototype! All they needed was a target dummy and the siblings always seemed to be up for it - not that the boys saw it that way, no.

"M-Mr. Boss.." Probe couldn't hide his fear, sadly, the way he shrank behind the green-toned alien making it all the more obvious to FrostFire.

"Why? Oh, why now!? I shouldn't have brought the prototype ins-"

"Woi, Adu Du, Probe."

Oh, that's dark- Just now the fusion seemed quite cheerful, smug even! Where the hell did that blood curdling expression come from so suddenly!?

Even you were amused, "Damn he's bipolar alright." you barely held back the mumble, raising a brow oh so incredulously.

And just as quick, your brows rose with amusement as he turned to face your direction, shooting you a smirk you found to be quite... Misleading.

Your fellow female students fainting in the background was enough evidence -

"Hey (Y/n)~" you wave in return from his greeting, not at all informed as to why he's leisurely taking his sweet time with you when there's a villain in the premises - "Woah!" dodging Probe's arm with a smooth back flip.

"Hoi! P-pay attention he-re! We're gonna beat Y-you.. G-got that Boboiboy!?" Adu Du's threat could've been more effective, in your opinion. But seeing as they're up against an elemental who's rarely appeared and is certainly much more powerful - I don't see why they wouldn't be afraid, you deadpanned.

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