31 PT 3 | A Cafe & Old Enemies

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A tilt of your head, a sigh, and the shuffle of chairs screeched on the cafeteria floors.

Chitchat was forced to end, the bell indicating the resume of classes and you part from Kaitlynn, bidding her farewell as you part ways by the halls.

Jeez Auntie... Does he even know about this..?

Pondering over the same photo, you loose yourself simply staring at your phone; the device set to a lower brightness to prevent wandering giraffes from sneaking a peak and create more rumours than you'd want to hear.

Lunch was over, but the speakers above your heads built on the walls of the school's hall gave you a sudden fright.

The voice, of whom you've assumed to belong to the mean lady working in the office, came booming through the black speakers.

"Announcement: Students whose next periods are Arts, Health, and Music are given permission to leave the campus early, for your teachers aren't available today. You aren't permitted to lounge within the main buildings as other classes will still be ongoing. Thank you and have a good day, students."

A smile has undoubtedly formed on your lips. Early dismissal was always such a blessing!

"Oh heck yeah." you can't help but cheer to yourself, watching as familiar classmates are already skidding down the halls, celebrating to take their leave.

You freeze in your spot, however.

Going home at this hour would be quite pointless as there wouldn't be anything for you to do. And boredom wasn't actually something you were up to deal with right now.

Where the hell... You wander off towards the nearest exit, fixing up your bun whilst you thought of a place to go and stay the while.

With a hand on your hip and a dissatisfied pout, you march off having not paid attention where you were going-



"Eh? (Y/n)!"

You bumped into a broad back. But you were more than glad to see who it was, "Ais!" the memory clicking right then as you were reminded of an itty bitty detail. I forgot, he's my classmate in Arts... Which means we're both on the leave!

"Thought I recognized that bun." he grins, slipping his headphones off to rest over his neck. He gives you his polar bear smile; his cuteness tempting you to pinch his cheeks in adoration.

Denying the temptation, you walk alongside the taller male, towards the ends of the hall, to the moist open field down the pathway.

"Sorry." You start. "I was thinking of a place to stay at... Kinda decided imma wait for all seven of y'all to finish so I can walk home together with you."

Ice hums, nodding but it's not like he cared that you bumped into him so carelessly. After all, he enjoys your company and hearing you were looking to stay somewhere, "Hey, wanna come with?" he asks, icey orbs bright as ever under that fluffy hoody of his. "I have a place I usually lounge at around here."

You follow his head, pointing towards the other side of the campus with a curt nod.

Quite unsure where he was actually referring to, "Yeah sure." you nod without question as your footsteps matched his; the trek to the campus cafe not taking much of five minutes to get there.

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