1st ARC | 21 | Solace In A Spark

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For 2k, ur continuous love and support, and a promise I made, here u r, the longest chapter I've made for this book.




Your face was full-on flushed, the honey glow in your cheeks had gone a shade darker just as you would've so much as stumbled trying to create more space between you and Thunderstorm, almost falling on your bum with such haste.

Alarmed, Thunder's reflexes have yet to impress you once again as his hand firmly grasped around your arm, pulling you back to land safely in his lap with his arms securely locking around your waist.

"Oh my goodness, darling! Be careful!"

Your aunt had almost dropped the tray of milk teas she brought, a hand on her forehead in an attempt to calm herself from the shock.

Despite this, she was twice as surprised that Thunder just let you sit in his lap like it was no big deal at all. If it were any other guy other than Solar, she would've probably pulled you away from him moments ago.

The blush on your cheeks was unmistakable, even in the dim-lit room she could see it quite faintly. She grinned just observing you both, feeling a certain... Connection... In the air and carefully placed the tray on the coffee table.

"Are you alright? Would you want anything warm to drink?"

Oh you most certainly weren't expecting for her to entertain Thunderstorm, not in your current position at least.

Hali, himself, was struck with confusion, briefly glancing at you quizzically before he spoke up. "Uhh n-no ma'am.. I'm fine, thank you."

Humble enough. She smiled, satisfied with his answer.

"Then I suppose I could leave you to yourselves now." she giggled, heading for the door when she suddenly added, "Oh and 'auntie' is just fine, dear." she said, winking at Thunderstorm.

W-wait what..? If he didn't know better, he'd say your aunt just literally gave him her blessing.

Oh your aunt herself was quite a tease, wasn't she? Well, that's where your sassiness came from in the family, no doubt about that.

The door clicked shut, silence invading the booth whilst you stiffened in place. The second she was out of the door, Hali questioned you immediately.

"How does she know me?" he asked, curiosity dancing in his orbs as he watched your expression.

"U-uhh we-well you-she-.. I-I, hehe.. We di-didnt-"

Terrific. Just. Freaking. Terrific.

Oh how much worse can it get, I wonder. You stuttered, unconscious of your hands slipping onto his chest, only noticing when you felt his muscles underneath the thick fabric of the hoodie as he breathed.

H-he's buff..... Odd. You've touched his chest more than once now but you seem to have only noticed that certain factor today. Well he always did look lean- No! Oh my god (Y/n), pull yourself together gurl!!

Your arms retracted themselves immediately and as subtly as you could, hoping the lightning elemental hasn't noticed a thing.

To your demise, sadly, he did.

And to add up to your embarrassment, he literally thought you were actually feeling him over... In his lap... Trapped in his embrace....

How nice.

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