1st ARC | 19 | The 2nd Eldest

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"Oh, she left after the lunch break. Apparently she had an emergency and had to go home."

"O-oh.." She left school...? "T-thank you, Ma'am. I'll get going."

With a respectful thanks, Thunderstorm turned to leave the classroom. The fake smile on his lips leaving his face the second he shut the door behind him. His brothers didn't like his silence and the frown that now tugged on his lips; it only assured them of their failure.

"Any luck?" Quake asked, still hoping.

Hali would've wanted to say yes, to speak up and tell them he knew where you were...

But he shook his head, crimson eyes now glued to the floor, his hand still gripping onto the doorknob quite tightly, "She left the campus."

Wait... "What!? She actually went home?!" Quake exclaimed, earning a nod of sorts from the younger.

They didn't actually think you would leave like you said... But apparently you were damn serious and didn't even bother to tell at least one of them.

And with your current state, mentally screwed up and shit, they had worried you may not be thinking straight all the while you were all alone out there who-knows-where.

For the worst case scenario, something may happen to you for all they know, and they weren't half as sure if you actually went home or some place else.

After the lunch bell rang, the septuplets decided they'd look for you after the next period, and with the little time they had before the next subject, they were scattered around the school looking for you.

They had first assumed that you'll be in your next class already, but when Quake went to check the History classroom, you were nowhere in sight.

Cyclone had the next idea of looking for your friend, Kaitlynn. "Maybe she knows where (Y/n) went." he had said, but sadly, even the girl was currently clueless.

Finding no trace of you, Solar broke down and asked to skip his next period, wanting to sulk in the infirmary instead while he waited for school to end.

Of course, Quake just let him be instead of scolding him, afraid he himself wouldn't be of any help now that the situation has gotten way out of hand.

And lastly, Ice suggested asking your homeroom advisor.

No luck.

Thunder himself couldn't even sit still anymore. Choosing to step in the argument was probably one of his worst mistakes. But he knew to himself that he only wanted to help in any way possible... And if he only made things worse, then he won't hesitate to make it right.

"Have you guys tried calling her?" Thunder asked, already reaching for his watch.

Quake hummed in response, however, showing him his recent call logs with your name on the display, the number 6 indicating the number of times he's already tried calling you.

"We can try calling her again after school... Right now we don't have a choice but to get to class."

The brothers didn't even bother to argue with their eldest, already tired from the fight in the cafeteria, and simply nodded. Their little group dispersed in an instant with each of them going to their respective classes... Thunderstorm stayed, still standing in the hallway.

He couldn't even begin to think of what could be in your head after the fight.... Did you still think of him the same way? Do you perhaps... hate him..? And what of his brother? What's gonna happen to your friendship now?

His jaw clenched, feeling at fault for some reason as his thoughts ate him up. How could I let this happen...?

Just staring at his back, Earthquake already knew what was going on inside his head. He sighed. The hardest part about being the eldest was to see your younger siblings in pain. And though Thunderstorm doesn't share his feelings often, it never goes passed their eldest, no matter how much he tries to hide it.

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