2nd ARC | 34 | Cordolium

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Uhh.. All I can say is...


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The apple of dawn shown over your figure as the sun has yet to greet another morning; the asphalt, moist and slippery from last night's rain shower whilst you strode off down the corridors of the campus.

Like any of your usual mornings, anonymous random stares from your fellow male school mates are taken for granted - either from you shoving them off or simply ignoring their entire existence.

After all, why bother with any of them when your heart's already stolen -

No, not technically. To be frank, you've not known how to properly react upon this certain boy's feelings towards you; which is a first, considering suitors would be falling in line for you every single day and yet not one of them had the capacity to reach your standards.

This boy, however ; Thunderstorm...

You've yet to decide whether or not his feelings do have that kind of effect on you.

Looking back, he's been the only male capable of flustering you - the only guy who's successfully stripped you off your throne as Queen as he willed himself your King -

"Lord, he'd kill me before he confesses." you giggled, loosing yourself in a day dream, pondering over the many ways he could pull on your heartstrings as he gives in to his admission of crushing on you. It'd probably be the last thing you'd even hear ; his past actions have already struck you hard - he'd prolly give you a heart attack this time around.

Dense, that's what you were. "Seriously, how the fuck did I not get a goddamn hint?" Or perhaps you've only been confused with what was real or fake.

You rarely returned a guy's sphallolalic conversation unless you were comfortable with them, such is Solar. For every other guy, you give them a small smile and turn them down nicely.... Unless they ought to push through that boundary then, you tend to rely on much more... violent measures. A click of your heel in their balls fairly did the trick. Or, Solar would be 'round a corner, cracking his knuckles as a mere threat for them to step away from his dearest 'sister'.

It was simply this or that, no in between - Til fate decided to cut your string short, tugging on its other end to have you cross paths with a heart that's been closed off.

Just that simple encounter and you've been loosing your mind -

A heavy book pats on your bun, quite gently anyhow, snapping your void of day dreams back to reality as a smirk greets you from behind.

"Morning princess~"

The boy kisses your temple and had you not grown to familiarize yourself with his voice and habits, you might've slammed a punch in his private area out of reflex.

"Morning Cahaya~" you return the greeting, linking your arms as he held onto the thick ass book.

"Hi Y/n!!" another voice chirped in, "Daun!! Good morning baby boy~" the younger twin grinned receiving your greeting, smiling so childishly, you can't help but pinch his cheek in adoration.

His dearest brother, Solar, chuckles at the interaction, "You slept well, princess?", nudging you with an elbow to grab your attention next.

You give him a smile, "Yes, of course dude. But I should be asking YOU that, Cahaya, cuz I'm sure as hell you didn't sleep."

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