9 | Night Owls

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The white and yellow walls of Solar's bedroom were still lit, even in the darkness. He continued to scribble in the pages of his book whilst leaning onto his left palm. Only the light from his lamp lit the room as soft raindrops thudded on his windows.

You stir in your sleep, cracking an eye open only to feel the coldness of the bed. You catch a glimpse of light coming from Solar's desk. And there he was, just wearing his gray turtleneck. His glasses and his cap were tidily placed on the sidetable, you noticed.

Wait, I think I forgot something... The ceiling of his bedroom was suddenly an interesting sight, glow in the dark images of the sun, moon, stars, and planets, shining ever so faintly as you tried to wrack your brain to recall why you were there in the first place.

Oh right.... A smile carved your lips at the memory. When Tok Aba suggested that you slept with one of his grandsons for the night, Solar dramatically insisted that you slept in his room, his reason being-

"I don't want any of you kids meddling with her in the middle of the night! Especially you, Blaze!"

"Eh? But you're a kid too, Solar." Ochobot laughed.

"But I'm not as dumb!"

"Eesh, ye la, ye la.... (Y/n) will stay with Solar." Quake rolled his eyes, watching Thorn pout in disappointment.

Just being your best friend? Yeah, guess so. How about an overprotective self-proclaimed brother? Yeah, that sounds more accurate.

"Solaaarrr.." you whined, stretching on his bed.

Said boy turned his head at the sound of your voice, dropping his pen into the crease of his book as he spun his chair around.

"Hey, why are you still awake?? Did the light bother you?" he was already reaching for his lamp, attempting to lower its brightness, but you shook your head and glanced at his desk.

"Really?" you rose a brow, quite amused. His books were stacked neatly at the other end of the table, his pens and highlighters scattered above his book. "You're still studying? Wish everyone was that persistent to do their homework."

Solar shrugs, lifting his ankle to rest over the opposite knee as he stared at you. "You know I'm a night owl, stop complaining about it." you took the mischief hinted in his voice and sat up to wrap his blanket over yourself.

"Aren't you tired, you nerd?" he chuckled at the little nickname, picking up his pen once again. "No, just go to sleep. I'm almost finished."

Like hell you'd go back to sleep, once you wake up in the middle of the night, it'll take a while for your sleepiness to return.

"Yeah sure, by the time you're finished, you wouldn't have any space left on your own bed."

Solar shook his head with your teasing and dropped his pen yet again, giving you the look "Seriously?" as you giggled under his blanket.

You don't miss the new stare he was giving you though... It was his worried-sort-of-stare. And he only stared that way when something was bothering him... that included you.

"What is it?" your question snapped him from his trance but the worried look on his face just wouldn't leave. "Hey come on, tell me, what is it?"

Solar sighs, the issue with his brother returning to him. So much for staying up late to distract himself.

You pat the bed, telling him to sit with you. The male stood up and sat next to you, laying on his back with an arm over his face.

You sat there, patiently waiting for him to speak up. Solar lifted his arm from his eyes to look at you.

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