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Hey guys. So... ya that title is about as awesome as the last one... Anyways. Yes, I have exams and shiz this week, and I've been busy, so sorry for the lack of the updates and stuff. I hope you all enjoy!

Sky's POV

I stared down at the phone in my hand. I was sitting on the cliffside with a blanket on the emerald green grass prouting around me, and the sun about thirty minutes from setting. I took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. I dialed his number, and waited for him to pick up. I rang three times, before he picked up with a perky, "Hello?" "Ty, it's me. Can you meet me on that cliff were we used to jump into the water when we were kids?" "Um... Ya, I guess so. Anything important going on? ARE MEROME GETTING MARRIED?!" He practiccally screamed the last bit and I had to hold the phone away from my ear. "No. Just get here as soon as possible, okay?" "Yeah, be there soon."

Ty's POV

I felt my stomach hitch to my throat as I hung up. He wanted to meet me somewhere private, with memories, and it's about twenty minutes to sunset... ARE ONE OF THE TC COUPLES GETTING MARRIED?! Wow. I wonder which one...

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