Please read this a/n, its relatively important.

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Hey endertoasts!!! I have an idea! How about a q&a? Does that sound good? Also, I'm working on a setosolace one shot, and I'm trying to decide whether to let the smut out, or nah? Idk. I'd like to apologize for not uodating, like, at all. So... Sorry, lol. Another thingy! I have a tumblr! To post, like, art and stuff. If you wanna check that out, look up krazedkat9021. I'm also thinking of making a YouTube channel for myself. I'm not sure though. What do you guys think? Another thing! Wow so full of talk, anyways, I got a comment that said that my story had too many unnecessary OC POV changes. I just want to know if any of you agree with that. All opinions are welcome, as long as you're not an ass about it. :) Have a good New Years day, and stay spunky everyone!

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