Anither Authors update?!

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So endertoasts, I feel pretty bad that I didn't update last night, and I will try to make it up to you tonight. But, I can't make any promises, sorry. :-P I might update tonight, but sometime, like all writers I get the dreaded... Writer's Block! And also I ended up watching YouTube until I fell asleep last night. And also, I know that pretty much nobody is reading or satisfied with my story, so sorry to say it, but I might be dropping it off soon. I enjoy writing them, but I also don't want to waste my time writing stories that nobody reads. I have been reading some other fanfics, and it could just be that my story needs some time so that people are even able to discover it. But, it could also just be that I am a really crappy writer and my stories suck. let me know in the comments, if you by chance are reading this, if I am a crappy writer or if it needs time. Tell the truth! I know most of probably think I am kind of crazy, or at least really weird from the last update, so if there is anything that I am doing that really just ticks you off, I appreciate 100% honesty, as long as you aren't cruel about it. I will also be accepting characters from you guys if you are reading this. I will choose two at first, then maybe add more, seeming as right now as I am writing this, I only have six views.

What I am looking for is:


How they meet:




Favorite food:

Favorite book:

Favorite song (if they have one):


Mutant or no?

I would really appreciate it, and I will be adding someone of my own creation

Name: Amber

Appearance: Black hair and purple eyes, pale skin, always wears a hoodie. Has one rainbow streak in her hair, wears chokers and lots of bracelets. She wears three watches on one side. (I do that:-) )

Age: 17

Personality: Shy, not easily angered, never backs down from what she stands up for ( confusing-ish) Straight, ships Skylox.

Favorite food: Peaches and jalapeño peppers

Favorite book: Hunger Games Trilogy

Favorite song: Curl up and Die, (RelientK) and Waiting for the sun (Approaching Nirvana Feat. Ashley Marie)

Gender: Female (derp-a-lerp)

Mutant or no? Yes

Hope you all have a good night, and stay spunky!

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