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So guys! Since I am a new writer, I decided, whoever is reading this, you need a name. For now I'll call you my loyal followers, but I WILL think of something better. Hope you enjoy.

Sky's POV

I walked into my new school, with my friends, Mitch, Jerome, Tyler, Seto, Bashur, and Martin. The halls bustled with activity, and it looked like a promising place. People chatted amongst themselves, and others burst out laughing, or shouted, looking for their friends. We all walked down the hall, towards e office. Something caught my eye. A boy, about my age, was bring pushed into a locker by another boy. The first boy looked miserable, and his eyes, from what I could see, were full of hidden pain. The other big then provided to kiss e first boy, violently and roughly. The smaller boy tried to push the bigger boy away, and received a punch in the stomach. He flinched. I grabbed Mitch's shoulder, and jerked my head towards the two boys. Mitch stopped, and looked. He grabbed e attention of the rest of our group, as  I marched over to the boys.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I growled.

The bigger boy pulled away.

"What do you care?" he growled back.

"Why are you doing this?" the smaller boy murmured.

"Because, you don't need this shit."

"Who are you? His parent? Screw off before I have to deal with you too." snarled the bigger boy.

"Josh, just let him go." whispered the smaller boy.

"Shut the fuck up, Ty." Josh backhanded Ty.

I grabbed Josh's wrist.

"Hey." He glared at me.

"Just go away," Mitch spoke up from behind me. The boys were all behind me. "Go. Now." I said. He let go of Ty's shirt front, and walked away. As he was just about around the corner, he flipped us off. "Thanks." muttered Ty. "So, your Ty?" I said. He nodded. His bangs covered his eyes. He had a hoodie on, and black skinny jeans. I could just see headphones. His maroon eyes were peculiar, but they were unique. His skin was pretty pale. I found myself thinking he was cute. I didn't find very many guys cute. "My name's Adam, but, my friends call me Sky." I said. "Hey." he said. He was very quiet. "My name's Mitch, and this is my boyfriend Jerome." Mitch introduced himself and Jerome. "My name is Tyler." "Seto." "Bashur, but you can call me Bash." "Martin" One by one the boys introduced themselves. He nodded at each of them in turn. "I've gotta get to class. See you around." He muttered. I nodded, and we split ways, us heading to the office to be assigned our classes, and Ty to his classes. I think I might have a crush on him...

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