I cant beleive it!

934 25 10

Thank you all so much for 851 reads, I am just like rolling around on the floor screaming. Ow. Hit my head. Joking aside, I appreciate it so much, I can't believe my story has made it to that many! Its amazing! Love you all so much, and thank you all so much. I just, mind blown! I highly recommend watching TeamCrafted: Genderbend, by Binof Trash, because she did an awesome job! (Assuming its a she...) *throws cookies in air* You guys are awesome! Love you always, and until the next, have a good night, day, afternoon and as always stay spunky!!!! ↖(^ω^)↗

One more thing. I will be doing a Q and A for you guys, so if going have any questions, feel free to ask.

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