A Speech

430 14 12

Sky's POV

"Ty, I know we just graduated a short while ago, and we're still really young," I started. "But, I love you so so much. I could never, ever imagine what my life would be like without you. I've never been so in love with anyone in my whole entire life." That part about not being able to imagine my life without him wasn't quite true. My life would be dull, boring and sad. If he left me I probably would take a flying leap off this cliff. "I also know, that if I don't do this now, I would always regret not doing it sooner. I love you. I always will, so Tyler Ellis, will you... Will you marry me?"

Ty's POV

I took a deep breath, and looked at my lover.

I'll die without you (Skylox)Where stories live. Discover now