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Hey endertoasts! I am updating! Yaaay! Anyways, enjoy! I wuvz youz allz!

Sky's POV

I finally found him. He really must've been hiding. But  found him. And i brought all my friends. "So. You think you can rape Ty?" I said. "Why do you even care about that freak?" he said. "Because. He isn't a freak. He's my boyrfriend. I love him. I care about him, because he is different, and unique, and special. I love him." I said. "I love him." Josh mocked. I punched him in the face. Mitch stopped me before i could hit him a second time. "Let me try." He whispered in my ear. I nodded. "Josh, why do you hate him?" Mitch said. "Because he is a freak." He replied. "No. Why do you actually hate him?" Mitch persisted. "Because... Why should i tell you?" Josh said. "Because. You shoudn't be doing this. Tell us." Mitch put a hand on Josh's shoulder. Josh's eyes glazed over. "I hate him, because he broke my heart. He shouldn't love Sky. We were a thing, when we were in grade eight. He broke up with me. He left me. He should only love me. Not Sky, not himself not anyone. Only me." Wow. That is fucked up. I thought to myself. But i didn't say anything. Whatever Mitch did, i didn't want it undone. "In your mind, look at your memories. Do you think you can erase those mermories? Can you do that?" said Mitch in a soothing voice. Josh nodded. His eyes went normal. Why are you surrounding me?" he asked. "No reason. You can go now, Josh." Said Mitch. Josh nodded again, and left. "What the hell was that?" said Jerome. "I am a mutant. Jerome, do you still love me? Please, i won't let this change anything!" exclaimed Mitch. "Mitch. Calm down. I'll love you no matter what." Jerome said soothingly. Mitch hugged Jerome. "Thank you, Mitch." Mitch nodded. We walked away. Bash, Martin, Tyler, and all the others went other ways. I walked home.  I couldn't see Ty anywhere.

Warning: Kind of violent/scary

"Ty?" I called. "Ty, where are you?"

Quick POV switch Ty's POV

I shook violently. Why do you love me? was written in blood all over the walls.

Sky's POV

I rushed upstairs. "Ty?!" i yelled. Where is he? "TY! You better not be doing what i think you are..." i called out. I ran upstairs. The bathroom door was closed. "Ty," I twisted the knob. The door was locked. "TY!" i yelled. "Help... me....." i heard. Ty's voice was so weak... I banged the door. I rammed my shoulder against the door. I broke after the fourth try. Ty was shaking on the floor, black wings sprouting from his back, ears flat to his head, tail swishing, and claws out. He looked at me. His mouth was bloody, his shirt was bloody, his everything was bloody.HIs eyes were glowing purple. "Help me..." he said, before falling to the ground. His arms were bleeding, and the whole floor was bloody. The walls were covered in smeared words. I coud just make them out. Why do you love me? "TY! NO!" i yelled. I picked him up, and carried him downstairs frantically. "Help me! He is dying!" I screamed. Someone ran into the street. "I'll call 911!" they yelled. They pulled their cell from their pocket and dialed. "Hello 911? Someone is bleeding to death on 19th and Main, please send an ambulance as soon as you can." I heard them say. The ambulance was soon heard down the street. Oh, god, please Ty. Be okay.

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