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So endertoasts! I decided to be nice and update during the the day! Its an Amia and friends again, but remember, I have a schedule I promised you guys, so I will be adding Skylox POVs later. Hope you all enjoy!

Amia's POV

I walked around the kitchen, adding pinches of this and cups of that into the cake. (A/N Where do I buy this and that?) I wonder if they're having fun... I thought to myself. Then I remembered who I was thinking about. Of course there having fun! I pushed the cake into the oven, and sat down on the couch. Time for some well deserved Minecraft!

Amber's POV.

(So I did some research, which included YouTube and wiki, and apparently this years PAX was PAX East. So, they are in Boston.)

We walked around, and came to a Machinima booth. There were Mitch and Jerome, signing things. Me and Damon rushed to get out our things. I had brought a camera, that had no pictures in it. It was specifically for PAX. I also grabbed my mp3 player. Damon pulled out his camera for PAX, and we got in line. "Look at all the people!" I told him. He nodded. Suddenly I was pushed forward. A sneaker crushed my hand and a boot kicked my head. I cried out. Mitch and Jerome looked up. They both stood. Damon tried to help me up, but I just lay on the floor with my head in my hands. The pain was excruciating. I felt a goose egg rising. The person who stepped on my hand broke my ring finger and my pinky from what I could tell. Mitch walked over to me, and crouched down. "Are you okay?" I moaned. "It hurts so much..." Damon crouched beside me. He held my non broken hand. "Are you her boyfriend?" Asked Jerome. Damon and I blushed. He shook his head for both of us. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. Mitch stood. "Who did this?" Shuffling and footsteps were heard, and soon there were two boys standing alone. "Why?" Mitch said calmly. One shrugged. "Pax is almost over for the day, and we only have one day here. She was just in the way." The other one said. "She was in the way? She was ahead of you. Couldn't you have done the right thing? Which, of course wouldn't be knocking over a girl just to get ahead in line." Mitch said sharply. I glared at them. And only one had the decency to avert his gaze. Out of almost completely nowhere a rage consumed my insides like a fire. I struggled to stop shaking. The noises grew weaker. "What's you guys' names?" I heard some one say. I heard a mumbled reply, which must have been Damon. I soon couldn't stop shaking, and my whole body vibrated. I felt Damon's hand slip out of mine. "Wh-whats wrong with her?" I heard someone say. "Call an ambulance someone screamed. "Enough!" Said Mitch. I let out a scream. I could feel the sensation of arms under me, and being lifted into the air.

Damon's POV

Mitch lifted her in the air. But he had to immediately let go. "Ow!" He cried. But she didn't fall. The people who had once been crowded around this stall were now fleeing for the doors. In fact, word spread that some one was possessed, and now everybody was fleeing. She rose further into the air. Her once pale skin was now glowing a vibrant purple. She screamed again, and it took all I had not to look away. I didn't want to see her suffer like this, because you could tell, she was in horrid pain. Her hair writhed around her head, sometimes flitting outwards as if to bite. Mitch watched as if it didn't bother him, but Jerome buried his head in the crook of Mitch's neck. Merome? I thought to myself. Suddenly the light went out of her body, and she dropped. I instantly caught her. I was shocked at how fast I was to catch her, but thought nothing more of it when she opened her eyes. Her eyes were no longer the normal purple (A/N there is a normal purple eye color?!) I was used to, but a bright glowing purple. Her hands hung by her sides, and she looked up at me confused for a moment. Then I saw the magnificent black dragon's wings hanging beneath her. Her hands had black scales sprouting from her wrist down, and her nails were light purple. Small horns sprouted from her scalp, and her hair was still floating around her head. Scales sprouted from her collar bone up to her chin. I stared at her in amazement. "Damon, you can put me down now." She whispered. Her voice came out soft and slightly distorted. It was beautiful. I snapped out of it, and nodded. I set her down lightly. She was taller than she was before. "Damon, Amber, we need to talk. We also have some people you guys should meet. Amber smiled and nodded, and fangs glistened. Jerome eyed them, then smiled. His fangs flashed too. Imagine, us not only meeting Jerome and Mitch, but also being asked to go somewhere private to talk!

So endertoasts? I guess PAX wasn't exactly what it was going to be, did it? Hope you all enjoy, and please leave a vote for me if you enjoyed. I appreciate all your feedback, and until next update tonight, stay spunky!

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